Jia-Guo Lu | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Jiaguo Lu (SM’95) received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 1987. He is currently the Deputy Director and Researcher of the East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering, Hefei, China.
Jia Guo - Google Scholar
2020 5th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal … H Zhu, G Tao, Y Jiang, L Sun, J Chen, J Guo, N Wang, H Wei, X Liu, ...
Guo Jia, Lu Mei, Wang Xin, The (strong) structure connectivity and (strong) substructure connectivity of the (n, k)-bubble-sort network, Applied Mathematics and Computation 425 (2022)127078. 2.
Lu Haojie - Fudan University
Haojie Lu, Ph.D. Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 Tel: +86 021-54237618. Email: [email protected].
ReContrast: Domain-Specific Anomaly Detection via Contrastive ...
In this paper, we propose a novel epistemic UAD method, namely ReContrast, which optimizes the entire network to reduce biases towards the pre-trained image domain and orients the network in the...
Joint Analyses of Na2SO4 Solution by Laser Induced Breakdown ...
GUO Jin-jia *, LU Yuan, LIU Chun-hao, and ZHENG Rong-er. Spectroscopic sensor is becoming an important issue for the deep-sea exploration due to the advantages of multi-specie, multi-phases and stand-off detection.
Guo Jia - Wikipedia
Guo Jia (pronunciation ⓘ) (170– c.October 207), [a] courtesy name Fengxiao, was an adviser to the warlord Cao Cao during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. Throughout his 11 years of service, Guo Jia aided Cao Cao greatly with his brilliance and foresight, and his strategies were instrumental to Cao Cao's triumphs over rival warlords ...
陆豪杰 - 复旦大学 - 生物医学研究院 - X-MOL科学知识平台
课题组长陆豪杰主持包括国家重点研发计划、国家自然基金重点项目和S973课题等在内的国家及省部级项目十余项,在包括Nat Immun, Nature Commun,Angew Chem Int Ed,Mol Cell Proteomics,Anal Chem,J Proteome Res等在内的学术期刊上发表SCI论文168篇,被引2900余次,在以第一和通讯作者发表的104篇SCI论文中,有29篇的同年同领域引用率排名前20%,其中有2篇排名前1%,14篇排名前10%。
Guo Jia - Koei Wiki
Guo Jia is mainly seen as Cao Cao's main strategist at Xia Pi since his debut. In Dynasty Warriors 4, he commands the two armies to advance on the castle and stages a plot to remove Red Hare from Lu Bu 's possession.
Guo Jia Le (郭佳乐) - MyDramaList
Guo Jia Le is a Chinese actor. Edit Biography. The action-comedy series 'Study Group' has cemented its place among TVING's all-time hits. The high-school-themed action series will now be available on Netflix. Check out the ratings of Friday-Saturday K-dramas. The fitness-themed K-drama 'Pump Up the Healthy Love' is coming soon.