What is the origin of the British "guv"? Is it still used colloquially ...
Apologies for the resurrection... The term 'guv' or 'governor' is most commonly used for a reason by manual tradespeople, to denote the person paying their bill, or the person who orders and accepts their work, to distinguish from the tenant, the property's legal owner, and so on. The governor is the person who they are answerable to. Since manual tradespeople tend to, on average, take a ...
What's the origin of the "'ello, gov'nor" line? - Movies & TV Stack ...
2015年2月12日 · The OED cites 'guv' and it's variants as entering the language in 1852 via Punch magazine. This is when the word 'guv-ner' was popularized. I originally thought Oliver Twist (1948) was the first movie to use the line " 'ello guv-nor ". However I found an earlier movie Convict 99. Here's a link. The morning governors start at 40:11, they end 40:16.
Origin of "It's a fair cop" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2018年9月26日 · Green’s Dictionary of Slang dates its usage from the late 19th century; fair in the sense of justifiable: [late 19C+] (orig. UK Und.): a justifiable arrest; usu. in the tongue-in-cheek phr. it’s a fair cop guvnor, put the bracelets on... any situation seen as fair and about which there is no complaint. Wiktionary cites an early usage: …
Where does the phrase "the bee's knees" originate from?
2021年1月25日 · So the phrase "the bee's knees" approximately means "it's fantastic" (my definition at least!). But how did this phrase come about?
What is the etymology and meaning of "fill your boots"?
2011年10月3日 · A quick search yielded At the HMS Victory museum in Portsmouth UK, you can buy a thick leather cup lined with pitch. This is a replica of the sailor's mug used on board in Nelson's time, and it was used (among other things) for the rum ration when issued. This cup is called a "boot", and when things were good and you …
What is the origin of the phrase "Top of the morning to you"?
The phrase is Irish in origin but now very rarely used in Ireland (except as a sterotypical "Irishism"). It simply means "the best of the morning to you" - perhaps from the idea of unhomogenised milk, where the cream rises to the top. An appropriate response might be a simple "thank you" although the traditional response would be "And the rest of the day to yourself." Terrible attempts at ...