GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya
GVK ChinmayaVidyalaya has been selected as the Test Practice Centre by National Testing Agency. The Vidyalaya has entered into an MOU with the NTA.
GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya| About
GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya is well known as one of the front ranking CBSE English medium schools in SPS Nellore District in Andhra Pradesh. The Vidyalaya is situated in a calm and serene environment. The Vidyalaya was founded in on 18 th May 2013 by the then Global Head of Chinmaya Mission H.H. Swami Tejomayananda ji.
GVK CHINMAYA VIDYALAYA celebrated Srinivasa RAMANUJAN birth ANNIVERSARY as National Mathematics day in our Vidyalaya campus on 22 Dec 2021. Students partic...
GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya| About
GVKCV students celebrated Telugu Bhasa Dinotsavam with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm. See Snapshots...
GVKCV has started Registration... - GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya
GVKCV has started Registration for Admission for Academic Year 2022-23. If you have any enquiry for admission into classes KG to 11(Intermediate), you may kindly call 8985897075 or visit our campus....
2021年9月16日 · Know the National language and it's Needs.• To make children understand the importance of Hindi language. • To motivate the students to use Hindi language in...
Hari Om Our GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya celebrated Sankranti with great cultural fervor. To enhance the knowledge of the students about the harvest festival, aest...
GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya | Contact
s.no. information. details. 1: name of the school: gvk chinmaya vidyalaya: 2: affiliation no (if applicable) 130434: 3: school code (if applicable) 57152: 4: complte address with pin code
GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya | Nellore - Facebook
GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Nellore. 642 likes. GVK Chinmaya Vidyalaya was established on 18th May, 2013. The Vidyalaya has been affiliated upto SENIOR...
GVKCV - About Us - Google Sites
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