公園少女 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
粉絲團名稱為「Groo」,韓語意思為「樹幹」,代表意義為一直一直守護在公園少女身邊,默默應援的粉絲們。 代表emoji為「🌳」 6月19日至22日,公園少女官方 Facebook 開始陸續公布成員 …
GWSN - Wikipedia
GWSN (Korean: 공원소녀; RR: Gongwon Sonyeo), also known as Girls in the Park, was a South Korean girl group formed in 2018 by Kiwi Pop (now known as The Wave Music). The group consisted of seven members: Miya, Seokyoung, Seoryoung, Anne, Minju, Soso, and Lena, and debuted on September 5, 2018 [ 1 ] with the title track "Puzzle Moon" [ 1 ...
公園少女 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
粉絲團名稱為「Groo」,韓語意思為「樹幹」,代表意義為一直一直守護在公園少女身邊,默默應援的粉絲們。 代表emoji為「🌳」 6月19日至22日,公園少女官方 Facebook 開始陸續公布成員。 [15]。 8月16日,官方Facebook公開了一張預告照,公園少女的首張出道 迷你專輯 《THE PARK IN THE NIGHT》part one 將於9月5日下午6點 (韓國時間) 公開官方MV與在各大音源網站上公開。 [16]。 3月13日,發行迷你2輯《THE PARK IN THE NIGHT》part two,以主打歌曲〈Pinky …
公园少女 - 百度百科
公园少女(공원소녀、GWSN、Girls in the Park)是Kiwi Media Group于2018年9月5日推出的韩国女子演唱组合,由王靖仪(Soso)、金序璟(SeoKyoung)、宫内晴香(Miya)、李豫领(SeoRyoung)、李茜英(Anne)、姜敏周(MinJu)、姜莱娜(Lena)七人组成。
GWSN | Kpop Wiki | Fandom
GWSN (Korean: 공원소녀; Japanese: 公園少女; Chinese: 公园少女; also known as Girls in the Park) was a seven-member multinational girl group. They debuted on September 5, 2018 with the mini-album The Park In The Night Part One. The group was set to hold numerous events to increase their popularity pre-debut until the final group debut.
GWSN's Journey. If you possess a unique strength, it must be used for good. The girls carry out the instructions of How to Attain a Skill in GWSN, four different beams of light streams through the park and the girls come to. They find each of their unique items glowing and they come to believe that they now possess a strength, unique to each girl.
GWSN Members Profile (Updated!) - Kpop Profiles
GWSN (Gongwon Sonyeo; 공원소녀) also known as Girls in the Park, was a 7 member independent girl group consisting of Seoryoung, Miya, Seokyoung, Anne, Minju, SoSo, and Lena. They debuted under Kiwi Pop, a subsidiary company of Kiwi Media Group (later known as The Wave Music) on September 5, 2018 with the 1st mini album ‘ THE PARK IN THE ...
♥ gwsn guide ♥
⭒ girls in the park, aka gwsn, is a 7-member girl group formed by The WAVE Music, a subsidiary of ASCENDIO. ⭒ their debut was september 5th, 2018. ⭒ the acronym 'gwsn' is an abbreviation of their korean name, gong-won so-nyeo, which literally means 'park girl.' ⭒ their lore centers around a park with a magical tree, so nature themes are ...
GWSN Wiki - Fandom
We are a collaborative encyclopedia for all the things related to the South Korean girl group GWSN, where anyone can contribute to. There are currently 55 articles, 1,362 edits and 2 active users on this wiki.
guide to gwsn
GWSN (Girls in the Park) is a 7-member multinational girl group under The WAVE Music, a subsidiary of ASCENDIO. They debuted on September 5th, 2018. Other Info: GWSN also has their own lore that can be found in both in MVs and physical albums! learn more about that here! check out GWSN across social media! more resources!