Győr - Wikipedia
Győr (US: / djɜːr, dʒɜːr / DYUR, JUR, [6][7] Hungarian: [ɟøːr] ⓘ; German: Raab; names in other languages) is the main city of northwest Hungary, the capital of Győr-Moson-Sopron County and Western Transdanubia region, and – halfway between Budapest and Vienna – situated on one of the important roads of Central Europe.
15 Best Things to Do in Győr (Hungary) - The Crazy Tourist
2020年1月26日 · At the junction of three rivers in northwest Hungary’s Western Transdanubia region, Győr is a city with a whole raft of Baroque architecture. The centre of attention is the Káptalan Hill at the confluence of the Danube, Rába and Rábca, where landmarks like the episcopal castle and cathedral basilica have been raised and then demolished by ...
Győr Megyei Jogú Város Honlapja
3 天之前 · Győr Megyei Jogú Város hivatalos honlapja. Részletes információ az önkormányzatról, hírek, közélet, gazdaság, kultúra és turizmus. Szívügyünk Győr!
The Things To Do For A Day Trip In Györ, Hungary - We Are …
2020年2月19日 · Györ is a European city in Northwest Hungary that is frequently overlooked by tourists. It is filled with a rich history, hearty Hungarian food, baroque architecture, and chummy locals. Due to its location, this town makes one fabulous day …
Gyor | History & Facts | Britannica
Gyor, historic city and seat of Gyor-Moson-Sopron county, northwestern Hungary. It is located on the Moson arm of the Danube, the meandering southern arm in Hungary proper, where the south bank tributaries, Raba and Rabca, converge. The inner town and its environs are composed of narrow winding streets.
Győr – Wikipédia
Győr (latinul Arrabona, Jaurinum, németül Raab, szlovákul Ráb, horvátul Jura, Đura) megyei jogú város Magyarországon. A Nyugat-Dunántúli régió központja, Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye és a Győri járás székhelye, 1009 óta a Győri egyházmegye központja.
关于河流之城杰尔你所不知道的 5 件事 - DailyNewsHungary
2017年12月7日 · Győr 是 Győr-Moson-Sopron 县的首府,也是该国第六大城市。 这座城市位于布达佩斯和维也纳之间,位于中欧最重要的道路之一。 Magyarorszagkul.nlcaf.hu 整理了一份关于 Győr 的 5 个最有趣的事实的清单。 1. 河流之城. Győr 位于三条河流的交汇点(汇合处):Mosoni-Duna、Rába 和 Rábca。 Győr 曾被称为 Arrabona,以 Arrabo 河(今天的 Rába)命名。 维也纳、布拉迪斯拉发和布达佩斯共同创造了所谓的金三角。 Győr位于这个三角形之 …
Győr – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Győr ([ˈɟøːr], German: Raab, Slovak: Ráb, Croatian: Jura Đura, Serbian: Ђер/Djerba) is a city in Western Transdanubia in Hungary. It is called A barokk városa (the Baroque City), because the old part of the city contains dozens of monumental buildings and sculptures from the 18th century.
Gyor, Hungary | The Ultimate Travel Guide (2025)
Győr, a historically significant city infused with contemporary vibrancy, exemplifies Hungary’s extensive cultural legacy and economic strength. This scenic city, located at the junction of the Mosoni-Danube, Rába, and Rábca rivers, is the capital of Győr-Moson-Sopron County and the Western Transdanubia area.
AWE - Győr city
Győr is the industrial, economic, business, educational and cultural center of the Northwestern region of Hungary, one of the most innovative and most dynamically developing city in the country. City of Győr is the county seat of Győr-Moson-Sopron Couny.