Choji | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Choji - Chef of Mike Team. He likes sea food but hates nasty cuisines. He carries a variety of kitchenware with him. Mike's personal chef. Always on the lookout for the next recipe. Born in …
長治 - GYEE官方網站 - 蓋伊傳說 - THEGYEE.COM
出生在西部的長治,從小的夢想就是吃上一頓地道的海鮮燴飯。 他從小就在父親的小酒館幹活,燒出來的菜肴令客人稱奇,也算是在渡口城小有名氣。 可是渡口城地處內陸,運來的海鮮食材 …
长治 - 盖伊传说官方网站 - THEGYEE
长治煮了一碗热腾腾的拉面,使1名我方单位恢复法术攻击*64%生命值,并净化目标身上的【压制】、【沉默】、【嘲讽】效果。 包治百病:【下面】的治疗效果提升11%。 细嚼慢咽:【下 …
Choji - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game - THEGYEE.COM
Choji made ramen, recovers HP equal to M.ATK*64% for 1 ally and remove the effects [Oppression], [Silence] and [Taunt] on the ally. Increases [Noodles]'s healing effect by 11%. …
【情報】GYEE資料整理 (基礎、初識、私照、信件) @GYEE 哈啦板
2025年3月12日 · 弟弟魯勃負責設計衣服,而姐姐露波在嘉年華裏主持廣受歡迎的“露波秀”——一檔評選有才華的男孩女孩的現場秀。 不幸的是,姐姐露波因故喪生。 弟弟魯勃不忍心姐姐的節 …
Newbie trying to learn how everything works : r/GYEE - Reddit
2020年6月26日 · In darkflux, you can get items to upgrade gyee weapon. To run darkflux, you need stamina and food is used to fill up 50 staminas. Though I don’t recommend to buy them …
List of Gyee | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Below is a list of characters obtainable Gyee in the game. Gyees are generally available through summon from the Gate of Pact, or by obtaining at least 20 image shards the respective Gyee.
Choji : r/GYEE - Reddit
2020年6月30日 · 5.1K subscribers in the GYEE community. A community for those who play the mobile game, GYEE
Gyee Wiki | Fandom
GYEE is a gay-themed online RPG mobile game by Kiwifruit Studios. Enter the world of Luxium, bond with other Gyees, fight the shadow and solve the mysteries of Azria! The game is …
Shadow Hunt Event Advice and Tips : r/GYEE - Reddit
2020年6月21日 · With the Shadow Hunt event being still relatively new, I wanted to share some advice observations and tips that have been working for me to you all. Before I get into all that …