Lan | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
In the Battle of Azria, Lan witnessed how hard fellow Gyees fought the White Capes and the Shadow Legion, as well as the tragic scene when the Flux Tower exploded. While fleeing to Never Isle, as he cared for the wounded and listened to their stories under the stars, he began to lower his guard and finally embraced the Gyee community.
Lan - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game
While fleeing to Never Isle, as he cared for the wounded and listened to their stories under the stars, he began to lower his guard and finally embraced the Gyee community. When he attempted the final phase of the trial again after that, he succeeded. Now, Lan is the premier swordsman of the Never Isle Corp.
嵐 - GYEE官方網站 - 蓋伊傳說 - THEGYEE.COM
嵐揮舞宵穹切斬向敵人,對1名敵人造成物理攻擊*107%的物理傷害。 劍灑銀輝:【劍術:雙蓮】的猛攻幾率提升40%。 蓄力1個回合後,嵐殺入敵陣,飛速斬擊敵方,對全體敵方造成物理攻擊*108%的物理傷害。 飛劍回峰:【劍術:飛華】對隨機1名敵人附加1次攻擊,造成物理攻擊物理攻擊*95%的物理傷害(可獲得15點怒氣)。 落劍斷潮:【劍術:飛華】可使主目標【眩暈】。 【眩暈】:效果生效期間,喪失對角色的控制權。 持續2回合。 嵐將能流匯聚於宵穹切,釋放出淩 …
List of Gyee | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Below is a list of characters obtainable Gyee in the game. Gyees are generally available through summon from the Gate of Pact, or by obtaining at least 20 image shards the respective Gyee.
Lan - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game - THEGYEE.COM
In the Battle of Azria, Lan witnessed how hard fellow Gyees fought the White Capes and the Shadow Legion, as well as the tragic scene when the Flux Tower exploded. While fleeing to Never Isle, as he cared for the wounded and listened to their stories under the stars, he began to lower his guard and finally embraced the Gyee community.
Rand, Lan, Myles, or Mira? : r/GYEE - Reddit
2020年6月5日 · Lan is very OP in PVP with two AoE. Rand has high damage. Miles have invisibility. I don’t have Mira so I cannot tell you about her.
Gyee Wiki - Fandom
GYEE is a gay-themed online RPG mobile game by Kiwifruit Studios. Enter the world of Luxium, bond with other Gyees, fight the shadow and solve the mysteries of Azria! The game is currently playable in iOS and Android for China (CN), Southeast Asia (SEA), Japan (JP) and North American (NA) servers!
Characters - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game
GYEE is a Gay-themed RPG Gacha game which has various charming characters that created by fomous and talented artists.
遊戲介紹_GYEE官方網站 - 蓋伊傳說 - THEGYEE.COM
GYEE是款3D角色扮演回合制卡牌遊戲。 支援iOS、安卓和STEAM,在全球發佈。 遊戲中,蓋伊 (GYEE)是人類社會的少數群體。 他們的血液中蘊含著野獸的力量,眼眸發出金色的光芒。 他們尋找相投的靈魂、建立連接,激發著彼此,也牽絆著彼此。 他們隨機存在於普通人之中,被人們一些誤解,被一些人歧視。 但他們勇敢、自愛。 在充滿敵意的環境裡,隱藏著、堅守著,努力爭取著平等生存的權利。 你通過神奇的骰子來到拉克斯姆,遇見形態各異的蓋伊,與他們建立靈魂 …
隆 - 盖伊传说官方网站 - THEGYEE
隆舞动长刀砍向敌人,对1名敌人造成物理攻击144*%的物理伤害,并对目标添加【嘲讽】效果,持续2回合,可净化。 【嘲讽】:效果生效期间,丧失对角色的控制权,并且在行动时自动对施法者执行普通攻击,持续2回合,可净化。 凶猛巨力:蛮牛猛劈的伤害提升20%。 屹立不倒:蛮牛猛劈后额外对自身附加【强力耐受】效果,持续1回合,不可驱散。 【强力耐受】:效果生效期间,自身所受到的所有伤害降低50%。 隆幻化出陶锐斯之魂挥动长刀砍向敌人,对1名敌人造成 …
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