Yang | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Yang - Boss of the Cannye Mafia. He almost got killed by the White Capes and was rescued by the Cannye. He seems to have walls of separation between him and Chang. Leader of the Cannyes gang. Swift and strong, cold but caring. The small, agile Cannyes are seen by prejudiced humans as 'dog demons' when they're actually just unusual creatures.
揚 - GYEE官方網站 - 蓋伊傳說 - THEGYEE.COM
揚發起突襲,用殘暴的方式撕裂敵人,對1名敵人造成物理攻擊*410%的物理傷害,並恢復造成傷害*5%的生命值。 該技能會消耗當前所有怒氣值,提高造成的傷害。 飲血:揚會恢復【暗夜突襲】技能傷害的10% 的生命值。 銳爪:【暗影突襲】對生命值高於40%的目標造成額外10%的傷害。 隱匿:施放技能後自身進入【隱匿】。 【隱匿】:效果生效期間,角色無法被敵對單位的攻擊類技能選中。 持續1回合。 揚的攻擊會額外造成物理攻擊*40%法術傷害。 當揚的生命值低於50% …
Yang - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game
Yang allowed the homeless Cannyes to follow him as he formed a pack to extract revenge from humans, training them in bloodthirsty combat, raiding human caravans and slaying White Cape squads. Yang and Chang are both Gyee as well as guardians of the Cannyes.
List of Gyee | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Below is a list of characters obtainable Gyee in the game. Gyees are generally available through summon from the Gate of Pact, or by obtaining at least 20 image shards the respective Gyee.
扬 - 盖伊传说官方网站 - THEGYEE
扬发起突袭,用残暴的方式撕裂敌人,对1名敌人造成物理攻击*410%的物理伤害,并恢复造成伤害*5%的生命值。 该技能会消耗当前所有怒气值,提高造成的伤害。 饮血:扬会恢复【暗夜突袭】技能伤害的10% 的生命值。 锐爪:【暗影突袭】对生命值高于40%的目标造成额外10%的伤害。 隐匿:施放技能后自身进入【隐匿】。 【隐匿】:效果生效期间,角色无法被敌对单位的攻击类技能选中。 持续1回合。 扬的攻击会额外造成物理攻击*40%法术伤害。 当扬的生命值低于50% …
Characters - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game
GYEE is a Gay-themed RPG Gacha game which has various charming characters that created by fomous and talented artists.
Gyee Wiki - Fandom
GYEE is a gay-themed online RPG mobile game by Kiwifruit Studios. Enter the world of Luxium, bond with other Gyees, fight the shadow and solve the mysteries of Azria! The game is currently playable in iOS and Android for China (CN), Southeast Asia (SEA), Japan (JP) and North American (NA) servers! Gyees. Avatars. External Guides and Other Info.
盖伊传说官方网站 - THEGYEE
盖伊传说官方网站:在这里遇见盖伊,他们眼眸闪烁金色光芒,有的化作兽人形态。 他们寻找相投的灵魂,互相连接,激发和羁绊着彼此。 不一样,又怎样。
盖伊传说 - WikiFur, 你也可以编辑的自由的兽人爱好者百科全书以 …
盖伊传说(GYEE / サンクタス戦記) 是Kiwifruit Studio开发的 男性向 肌肉猛男、3D角色扮演、回合制卡牌游戏。 游戏中,盖伊 (GYEE)是人类社会的少数群体。 他们的血液中蕴含着野兽的力量,眼眸发出金色的光芒。 他们寻找相投的灵魂、建立连接,激发着彼此,也牵绊着彼此。 他们随机存在于普通人之中,被人们一些误解,被一些人歧视。 但他们勇敢、自爱。 在充满敌意的环境裡,隐藏着、坚守着,努力争取着平等生存的权利。 你通过神奇的骰子来到拉克斯姆,遇见 …
Yang - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game - THEGYEE.COM
Yang allowed the homeless Cannyes to follow him as he formed a pack to extract revenge from humans, training them in bloodthirsty combat, raiding human caravans and slaying White Cape squads. Yang and Chang are both Gyee as well as guardians of the Cannyes.
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