Gymir (father of Gerðr) - Wikipedia
Gymir (Old Norse: [ˈɡymez̠]) is a jötunn in Norse mythology. He is the spouse of Aurboða, and the father of the beautiful jötunn Gerðr, who married the god Freyr. [1][2] Gymir may be the same …
Gymir - Wikipedia
Gymir may refer to: Ægir, a jötunn whose names include Gymir in Norse mythology; Gymir (father of Gerðr), a jötunn who may or may not be the same figure as the above in Norse mythology
Ægir - Wikipedia
Ægir (anglicised as Aegir; Old Norse 'sea'), Hlér (Old Norse 'sea'), or Gymir (Old Norse less clearly 'sea, engulfer'), is a jötunn and a personification of the sea in Norse mythology. In the …
埃吉尔是 巨人族 ,为始源巨人 佛恩尤特 (即 尤弥尔 )的儿子,又名赫勒尔(Hler,海)或盖密尔(Gymir),居所在加特卡特的勒斯岛;起初,埃吉尔并不服从 奥丁 ,但是后来他被奥丁 …
Gymir | Norse mythology | Britannica
Other articles where Gymir is discussed: Freyr: Gerd, daughter of the giant Gymir, was his wife. Worshiped especially in Sweden, he was also well-known in Norway and Iceland. His sister …
Gymir is a very rich jötunn in Norse mythology - Nordic Culture
2020年8月7日 · Gymir is a rich jötunn and the father of Gerd in Norse mythology. He lives together with his wife Aurboda in Jötunheim (the land of the giants). In the lay of skírnir, Gymir …
Gymir | Myth and Folklore Wiki | Fandom
Gymir was a giant whose daughter, Gerðr, married the god Freyr in Norse mythology. He is usually been interpreted as a sea-giant, but also sometimes as a Jǫtunn.
Viking Gymir - Viking River Cruises
Gymir is a wealthy Jötunn (a race of giants in Norse mythology) who, by some accounts, is said to be the same mythological figure as Aegir, the giant god of the sea. According to legend, Gymir …
Gýmir | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
One of the jötnar, father of the beautiful Gerðr by Aurboða. He is attested in the eddic poems Skírnismál, Lokasenna, and Völuspá hin skamma (in Hyndluljóð). In the prose introduction to …
盖密尔 - 百度百科
在北欧神话中,该名字的意思有“ 吞噬 ”(Engulfer)之意。 有纪录的使用者有两个: 1:海神 埃吉尔 的另一个名字。 2:山巨人盖密尔,盖密尔曾经和奥波达(Aurboða)生下葛德 (Gerd)和毕 …