gynocin: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction & FAQ
2025年1月7日 · gynocin is a nonapeptide, pleiotropic hormone that exerts important physiological effects. It is most well known to stimulate parturition and lactation, but also has important physiological influences on metabolic and cardiovascular functions, sexual and maternal behaviour, pair bonding, social cognition, and fear conditioning.
Oxytocin - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月24日 · Oxytocin is indicated and approved by the FDA for two specific time frames in the obstetric world: antepartum and postpartum. In the antepartum period, exogenous oxytocin is FDA-approved for strengthening uterine contractions with …
Oxytocin: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action - DrugBank …
Oxytocin is a recombinant hormone used to induce or strengthen uterine contractions in pregnant women to aid in labor and delivery or to control postpartum bleeding. It should be noted that there are risks associated with oxytocin intervention during childbirth.
GYNOCIN 10 IU/ml solution for - myHealthbox
GYNOCIN 10 IU/ml solution for injection - OXYTOCIN Solution for injection 10 IU/ml OXYTOCIN - Agent: Jazeera Pharmaceutical Industries (JPI); Price: 23.8;
Medica RCP |Gynocin 10IU/1ml | Indications | Side Effects
Medica RCP offers a wide range of information, including product price comparison, price evolution, price tracking, and many others.
Oxytocin - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions - Medindia
2024年11月8日 · Learn everything you need to know about Oxytocin-pronunciation, uses, dosage guidelines, indications, and when to take or avoid it. Get up-to-date information on side effects, precautions,...
Gynoxin Uno, 600 mg, kapsułki dopochwowe, miękkie, 1 szt.
Gynoxin Uno to lek w formie kapsułki dopochwowej na mieszane i grzybicze zakażenia pochwy. Lek zawiera fentikonazol o szerokim spektrum działania przeciw grzybom, także przeciw drożdżakom, i niektórym bakteriom wywołującym infekcje intymne.
دواعي الاستعمال والاثار الجانبية | Gynocin جاينوسن | الطبي
من استخداماته : بدء أو تحسين تقلصات الرحم لتحقيق الولادة المهبلية في وقت مبكر لأسباب تتعلق بالأم أو الجنين ، علاج مساعد في الإجهاض ، السيطرة على النزيف بعد الولادة ، تحفيز المخاض في النساء اللواتي يبدأ عندهن المخاض بشكل طبيعي . ما هي موانع استخدام جاينوسن؟
GYNOXIN 200 mg lágy hüvelykapszula - Házipatika
milyen tÍpusÚ gyÓgyszer a gynoxin 200 mg lÁgy hÜvelykapszula És milyen betegsÉgek esetÉn alkalmazhatÓ? A Gynoxin 200 mg lágy hüvelykapszula a hüvely és a külső nemi szervek gombás fertőzéseinek (amelyek járhatnak a külső nemi szervek, ill. a hüvely gyulladásával vagy fertőzéses eredetű folyással) kezelésére alkalmas.
GYNOCIN - 5IU/0.5ml - 6x0.5ml - MOPH
GYNOCIN - 5IU/0.5ml - 6x0.5ml. ATC B/G Ingredients code Registration Nb Name Dosage Presentation Form Route Agent Laboratory Country Price Pharmacist Margin Stratum Responsible Party Name Responsible Party Country Exch_date %SUBSIDY; G02AX: G: Oxytocin - 5IU/0.5ml: 10839: 121620/1: GYNOCIN: 5IU/0.5ml: 6x0.5ml:
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