H145 - Airbus
The Airbus H145 is the latest member of the company’s four-tonne-class twin-engine rotorcraft product range. It has has quickly become one of the industry’s leading helicopters, with built-in mission capability and flexibility, especially in high and hot operating conditions.
Eurocopter EC145 - Wikipedia
HB-ZQJ (H 145) used by Rega H145 Updated version of EC145, initially designated as EC145 T2. Features a fenestron shrouded tail rotor rather than a conventional tail rotor. Other changes include the installation of more powerful (775 kilowatts (1,039 shp) Arriel 2E engines, and various new avionics; it has a maximum takeoff weight of 3700 kg.
H145 technical information - Airbus
As the quietest helicopter in its class, the twin-engine H145 offers exceptional performance along with upgraded main and tail rotor systems. This guarantees an unprecedented level of performance in both hover and one-engine inoperative conditions.
Amazon.com: KAROYD H145 Hawk - 1:40 Scale Helicopter …
>Authorized and designed by DarthDesigner, the MOC-203640 H145 HAWK 1:40 Scale Civil Helicopter features a solid structure with an elegant appearance. >Features 611 premium parts constructed from environmentally-friendly ABS material, have no burrs and feel smooth. >Includes comprehensive and precise PDF assembly instructions. (Not paper manual)
H145M technical information - Airbus
Airbus’ modern and versatile H145M military helicopter offers a wide range of tactical operations for battlefield roles. From single and twin-engine light and medium helicopters to those in the eleven-tonne class, Airbus has the right product for a…
H-145直升机 - 百度百科
空中客车h-145直升机是空客直升机公司瞄准市场空缺而研制的一种轻型双发多用途 直升机 。于1998年开始研制,1999年6月首飞,h145于2001年5月开始交付用户使用,主要用途有搜索救援、紧急勤务、准军用/警务、专机/载客运输、货运、近海作业、航摄/新闻采访以及 ...
空中客车直升机H145简介(二) - 知乎专栏
此次最新升级为多用途的H145直升机配备了全新的、具有创新意义的五叶片主旋翼,将直升机有效载荷提升了150公斤,同时保证了舒适性、简洁性和互联性。 空客H145. H145家族系列产品(包括H145,EC145和BK117)目前已交付1400余架,累计实现500多万飞行小时,为缩短研制周期,尽早投放市场,公司在研制H145的过程中将H135的前机身和BK117的后机身拼合起来组成H145。 它实际上是前两者的优化组合。 H145的设计加入 梅赛德斯·奔驰 的设计师,其高性能旋翼桨叶 …
航空知识:空中客车H-145直升机 - 百家号
2024年8月20日 · H145的设计堪称现代航空技术的集大成者,它广泛采纳了业界领先的先进技术,将高效能与卓越性能完美融合。 首先,它的高性能旋翼桨叶设计巧妙,不仅优化了空气动力学性能,提高了飞行效率,更在飞行稳定性上表现出色,确保在各种天气条件下都能平稳飞行。 气动优化的机身设计则是H145的又一亮点。 通过精心计算和模拟,设计师们成功地将机身线条与空气流动相协调,极大地减少了飞行阻力,使H145在高速飞行时仍能保持较低的油耗和优秀的操控 …
The EC145 T2 is Airbus Helicopters®' 3-4 ton class twin-engine, multi-purpose helicopter. It can accommodate up to 12 seats for pilot/s and passengers. It is certified under the name BK117 D-2. The EC145 T2 represents a major evolution in terms of flight performance, mission capability, flight safety and cost of operations.
Airbus Delivers 1st H145M Light Combat Helicopter To German …
2024年11月19日 · The H145M is a twin-engine light utility helicopter with a lineage tracing back to the MBB/Kawasaki BK 117 C1. Airbus, through its Airbus Helicopters Division, is one of the most important military helicopter makers in the world (and especially in Europe).