Triple-stranded DNA - Wikipedia
Triple-stranded DNA (also known as H-DNA or Triplex-DNA) is a DNA structure in which three oligonucleotides wind around each other and form a triple helix. In triple-stranded DNA, the third strand binds to a B-form DNA (via Watson–Crick base-pairing) double helix by forming Hoogsteen base pairs or reversed Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds.
铰链DNA - 百度百科
H-DNA又称铰链DNA,是三螺旋结构中较为特殊的一种,1987年由Mirkin等在一种持粒的酸性溶液中首次发现。 H-DNA 可在任何以镜象重复的 寡聚核苷酸 中产生(核苷酸序列具有H回文结构)。 H-DNA的形成始于共聚物内部突环,其中的双链在一边轻微旋转,折叠回去,以生成第一个三股碱基对。 这种成核过程建立了一种非平衡的H-DNA构型。 缠绕与变性导致了其余 DNA 分子负超螺旋松弛。 3′和5′一半的多聚嘧啶链都可以作H-DNA的给予体链,而形成两种异构体,它们在构型 …
DNA Triple Helices: biological consequences and therapeutic …
H-DNA plays important roles in vivo and is inherently mutagenic and recombinogenic, such that elements of the H-DNA structure may be pharmacologically exploitable. In this review we discuss the biological consequences and therapeutic potential of triple helical DNA structures.
如何理解H-DNA这种三螺旋结构的模式? - 知乎
如何理解h-dna这种三螺旋结构的模式? 突发奇想,如果一种生物的基因是H-DNA这种三螺旋结构的,那么从携带的信息量,族群繁衍生殖等方面会出现哪些可以推测想象出来的结果?
Triplex H-DNA structure: the long and winding road from the …
2024年12月5日 · H-DNA is an intramolecular DNA triplex formed by homopurine/homopyrimidine mirror repeats. Since its discovery, the field has advanced from characterizing the structure in vitro to discovering its existence and role in vivo. H-DNA interacts with cellular machinery in unique ways, stalling DNA and RNA polymerases and causing genome instability.
Triplex H-DNA structure: the long and winding road from the
2024年12月5日 · H-DNA is an intramolecular DNA triplex formed by homopurine/homopyrimidine mirror repeats. Since its discovery, the field has advanced from characterizing the structure in vitro to discovering its existence and role in vivo. H-DNA interacts with cellular machinery in unique ways, stalling DNA and RNA polymerases and causing genome instability.
Structure and Biology of H DNA | SpringerLink
The term H DNA was coined in 1985 by Victor Lyamichev, Maxim Frank- Kamenetskii and myself (1). Our work was inspired by numerous studies showing that many regulatory regions of eukaryotic genes, both in chromatin and in the cloned state, exhibited hypersensitivity...
Ribosomal DNA arrays are the most H-DNA rich element in the …
2025年3月4日 · Ribosomal DNA arrays are the genomic element with a 40.94-fold H-DNA enrichment. Across acrocentric chromosomes, we report that 54.82% of H-DNA motifs found in these chromosomes are in rDNA array loci. We discover that binding sites for the PRDM9-B allele, a variant of the PRDM9 protein, are enriched for H-DNA motifs.
什么是H-DNA? - 百度知道
2009年9月28日 · H-DNA又称铰链DNA,是三螺旋结构中较为特殊的一种,1987年由Mirkin等在一种持粒的酸性溶液中首次发现。 H-DNA可在任何以镜象重复的寡聚核苷酸中产生(核苷酸序列具有H回文结构)。
H-DNA_注解、H-DNA是什么_医学百科 - wiki8.cn