difference between [h]:mm and h:mm format - MrExcel
2011年6月9日 · What is the difference between [h]:mm and h:mm format. When I try to multiply the number of employees (12) by the hours worked per employee (7:30:00, meaning 7.5 …
Hits, misses and false alarms monthly summary - MrExcel
2023年4月23日 · Essentially what I want to be able to do is in a blank table on another sheet, select a month from a drop down box above the table, and then for the table to auto-populate …
Sorting a userform combobox list into an unusual order.
2008年12月30日 · Ultimately they will be on separate sheets, but for now I'm using columns A and C in the same sheet. Column C is a list of unique names, think data validation source. Column …
textafter and textbefore function alternate in excel-2016
2023年5月31日 · Dear Team, I want to know what is alternate of textafter and textbefore function in excel-2016 I see a formula in this page; Cell Formulas Range Formula K2:K3 K2 …
Function to convert array to Range | MrExcel Message Board
2005年5月25日 · Also, if you might add/delete/reorder table columns in the original table, you can instead use the headings that you are interested in like this and the results will automatically …
Formula going across but referencing a cell going down
2009年6月4日 · I have two worksheets. On one I want to copy formula across 6 cells (Column H - M). I want to reference the data that is on the second spreadsheet in Column I, Row 9 for H …
Timestamp without VBA | MrExcel Message Board
2009年1月21日 · I have a worksheet that needs a timestamp in the cell in the next column to the entry cell - Column N has the cell that requires an entry and Column O has the timestamp …
XLookup - Sorting data with headers | MrExcel Message Board
2020年4月16日 · A co-worker asked me to fix her VLookup today because she had added and removed columns. I was excited to show her XLookup, and created formulas in her data set …
IF statement with time and date. | MrExcel Message Board
2017年5月14日 · I don't care if I have to break this out over several columns to get it right, I have been trying to pull apart the date and time (and then time values (h,m,s) and then do my if …
SUMIF with INDEX MATCH - Only the first match being returned
2016年10月3日 · Here's another way... K3, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, copied across and down: