JAXA | H-IIA Launch Vehicle
The H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 40 with the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-2 "IBUKI-2"(GOSAT-2) and KhalifaSat, a remote sensing Earth observation satellite onboard lifted off at 13:08:00 p.m. on October 29, 2018 (Japan Standard Time) from the Tanegashima Space Center. The launch and flight of H-IIA F40 proceeded as planned.
H-IIA Launch Vehicle - JAXA
2017年12月23日 · The H-IIA F29 with Telstar 12 VANTAGE onboard lifted off at 3:50:00 p.m. on Nov. 24, (Japan Standard Time) from the Tanegashima Space Center. The launch vehicle flew smoothly, and, at about 4 hours and 27 minutes after liftoff, the separation of the Telstar 12 VANTAGE was confirmed. H-IIA F29 incorporates the outcome of the H-IIA UPGRADE.
H-IIB Launch Vehicle - JAXA
The H-IIB Launch Vehicle is an powerful version of H-IIA to open the door to a new possibility for future missions including cargo transport to the International Space Station (ISS). The major purpose of H-IIB is to launch the H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORII" (HTV) , a cargo transporter, to the ISS.
JAXA | H-IIA Launch Vehicle TF1
2001年8月29日 · The H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.1 (H-IIA/F1) was launched at 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2001, Japan Standard Time, from Tanegashima Space Center. The launch vehicle was successfully lifted off with its flight azimuth of 90 degrees.
H-IIA Engines H-IIAロケット主要諸元 Major specifications 標準静止トランスファ軌道 遠地点高度36,226 km 近地点高度250 km 軌道傾斜角28.5度 静止化増速量⊿V=1,830m/s 打ち上げ能力 Launch capacity(ton) *1 人工衛星は含まない。 No payload is included. *2 高度化仕様 Upgraded H-IIA ...
JAXA | H-II Launch Vehicle
The H-II launch vehicle, since the first successful launch in 1994, was utilized in a total of 7 launches. Due to launch failure of the vehicle No.8 in 1999 came next to unsuccessful injection of the satellite by the No.5 in 1998, scheduled launch of the No.7 was cancelled, but the technology used in developing the H-II will be exploited for ...
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基幹ロケット高度化 - JAXA
H-ⅡAロケット(現行)/H-IIA (current version) H-ⅡAロケット(高度化仕様)/H-IIA upgrade H2A202 H2A204 − − 4.0 ton 6.0 ton 4,100 G 2.97 ton 4.82 ton − − 1,000 G H2A202 H2A204 再生紙を使用しています JSF1603 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Public Affairs Department Ochanomizu sola city,4-6 Kandasurugadai,
H-IIA Launch Vehicle - JAXA
Get information on the H-IIA Launch Vehicle. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) performs various activities related to aerospace as an organization, from basic research in the aerospace field to development and utilization.
JAXA | Overview of the H-IIA Launch Vehicle
Outline of H-IIA Launch Vehicle The 21st flight of the H-IIA Launch Vehicle (H-IIA F21) is an "H2A202" type with two solid rocket boosters (SRB-As) attached. The4/4D-LC (4 m in diameter) type fairing is applied. Missions of the H-IIA F21 The launch vehicle is slated for injecting its main payloads "SHIZUKU" and "KOMPSAT-3" in their scheduled orbit.
Overview of the H-IIB Launch Vehicle - JAXA
Improvement of 5S-H fairing Fairing development for the H-IIB Test Flight In order to cope with the launch of an HTV, which is the largest payload both in size and mass in Japan’s space development history, the fairing for the HTV was developed by expanding the biggest type of fairing for the H-IIA, 5S type, by three meters.