H II region - Wikipedia
An H II region is a region of interstellar atomic hydrogen that is ionized. [1] It is typically in a molecular cloud of partially ionized gas in which star formation has recently taken place, with a …
H II region | Astronomy, Star Formation & Nebulae | Britannica
H II region, interstellar matter consisting of ionized hydrogen atoms. The energy that is responsible for ionizing and heating the hydrogen in an emission nebula comes from a central …
H-II - Wikipedia
The H-II (H2) rocket was a Japanese satellite launch system, which flew seven times between 1994 and 1999, with five successes. It was developed by NASDA in order to give Japan a …
电离氢区 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
电离氢区 (H II區)是發光的 氣體 和 電漿 組成的雲氣,有時會有數百 光年 的直徑,是 恆星 誕生的場所。 從這些氣體中誕生的 年輕、炙熱的藍色恆星 散發出大量的 紫外線,使 星雲 環繞在 …
电离氢区(HII区)是什么?- 天文问答- 北京天文馆
电离氢区也叫HII区,它们是以氢为主要成分的星际气体云。 若星云附近有比较年轻的炽热恒星,则本来是中性的氢(中性氢区也叫HI区)会被恒星的紫外辐射电离,形成电离氢区——这样 …
H II regions are clouds of ionized gas surrounding O stars, associated with molecular clouds. The gas is ionized by ultraviolet light from these massive young stars, recently formed from …
H-II运载火箭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
h-ii运载火箭( h-ii )是日本的卫星发射运载器,在1994年至1999年间发射了七次,成功五次。 由 NASDA ( 日语 : 宇宙開発事業団 ) 研发,用于满足日本1990年代发射大型卫星的需要。
H II Regions - HyperPhysics
Areas in space which are luminous with the emission spectrum of ionized hydrogen are called H II regions. They are associated with the presence of massive O-type and B-type stars. Such …
JAXA | H-II Launch Vehicle
The H-II launch vehicle, the central rocket in Japan's space program, with the capability to launch a two-ton class satellite into geostationary orbit, is a two-stage rocket that was developed with …
Nebular Spectroscopy: A Guide on H ii Regions and
2017年6月20日 · We present a tutorial on the determination of the physical conditions and chemical abundances in gaseous nebulae. We also include a brief review of recent results on …