Global High-Resolution H-alpha Network: Big Bear Solar …
2007年11月1日 · The full sun is scanned across the slit of the spectrograph during about 1 mn. The profile of the H alpha spectral line are recorded with a spectral resolution of 0.025 nm and …
NASA/Marshall Solar Physics
2025年1月14日 · When the Sun is viewed through a spectrograph or a filter that isolates the H-alpha emission, a wealth of new features can be seen. These features include the …
H $$\alpha $$ full line spectropolarimetry as diagnostics of ...
2020年3月24日 · H \ (\alpha \) is one of the most widely used spectral lines to study the solar chromosphere, mostly through the images recorded in and around the line core (Rutten 2007). …
The LHIRES III high resolution spectrograph can be used to produce images of the Sun at any wavelength by allowing the sun to drift across the field of the instrument and building up an …
Sheylak LHIRES III -- Imaging the Sun? - Cloudy Nights
2009年2月16日 · Using software you extract each image of the H-alpha line and stack them side by side to make an image of the Sun. You can select different bandwidths by selecting …
Integrated Sunlight Spectrometer - NSO - National Solar Observatory
Most notable among the spectral lines in this category are the Ca II H & K lines for which a significant data-base already exists as obtained at the McMath-Pierce Telescope Facility since …
Searching for signatures of H $α$ spicule-like features in the solar ...
2023年6月5日 · This paper uses H $\alpha$ data obtained with the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter instrument on the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope, and in the transition …
[2011.13214] Classification of High-resolution Solar Hα Spectra …
2020年11月26日 · Abstract: The H{\alpha} spectral line is a well-studied absorption line revealing properties of the highly structured and dynamic solar chromosphere. Typical features with …
Our Sun in the Light of the Hydrogen Alpha Spectral Line
2018年6月15日 · The light from the Sun is passed through a filter that admits light from the hydrogen alpha spectral line (6562.8 angstroms or 656.28 nanometers) in the red region of the …
High-resolution spectrum of the Sun - AstroBin
Here's a detailed spectrum of the Sun captured with a Sol'Ex spectrograph equipped with a 2400 lines/mm diffraction grating, a 10 µm slit, and a ZWO ASI290MM Mini camera. In total, 52 …