Protocol for detecting chromatin dynamics and screening chromatin ...
2021年9月17日 · Here, we developed a system to track heterochromatin foci with HP1α-cherry and performed FRAP assay of H1-GFP to analyze the dynamics of heterochromatin and euchromatin during somatic cell reprogramming.
Linker histone H1 drives heterochromatin condensation via phase ...
2024年2月3日 · In the eukaryotic nucleus, heterochromatin forms highly condensed, visible foci known as heterochromatin foci (HF). These HF are enriched with linker histone H1, a key player in heterochromatin condensation and silencing. However, it is unknown how H1 aggregates HF and condenses heterochromatin.
Molecular dynamics of histone H1 - ScienceDirect
2016年3月1日 · The Hendzel lab conducted a thorough FRAP analysis of all six major somatic H1 subtypes and demonstrated that there are significant quantitative differences in the low affinity and high affinity binding properties among these proteins [39].
Dynamic binding of histone H1 to chromatin in living cells
2000年12月14日 · We have used photobleaching techniques to measure the dynamic binding of histone H1–GFP to unperturbed chromatin in living cells. Here we show that almost the entire population of H1–GFP is...
Dissecting the binding mechanism of the linker ... - The EMBO …
2010年3月11日 · Our analysis reveals two preferred H1 binding pathways and we find evidence for a novel conformational change required by both. These results paint a complex, highly dynamic picture of H1–chromatin binding, with a significant fraction of H1 molecules only partially bound in metastable states that can be readily competed against.
Increased exchange rate of histone H1 on chromatin by …
The observation from FRAP experiments with myogenin transfected fibroblasts showed that the exchange rate of histone H1 in chromatin was obviously increased, indicating that forced expression...
H1 Family Histones in the Nucleus : CONTROL OF BINDING
2005年7月29日 · FRAP recovery curves for histone H1 subtypes H1.2, H1.0, and H1.5. The plots show the relative intensity versus time profiles for three histone H1 subtypes representing low affinity ( H1.2 ), moderate affinity ( H1.0 ), and high affinity ( H1.5 ) subtypes.
Spatial heterogeneity of dynamics of H1 linker histone
2014年5月16日 · Global (embracing the whole or large areas of the nucleus) measurements of H1 dynamics with FRAP indicates that approximately 25 % percent of the histone H1 pool is strongly bound (at the time scale up to 50 s) while the rest is moving with the effective diffusion coefficient D (~0.015 µm 2 /s).
Spatial heterogeneity of dynamics of H1 linker histone
2014年5月16日 · Global (embracing the whole or large areas of the nucleus) measurements of H1 dynamics with FRAP indicates that approximately 25 % percent of the histone H1 pool is strongly bound (at the time scale up to 50 s) while the rest is moving with the effective diffusion coefficient D (~0.015 µm 2 /s).
FRAP curve of H1-GFP in MEF cells - ResearchGate
We labeled HP1α with mCherry to distinguish heterochromatin and euchromatin and histone H1 with GFP to perform FRAP assay ( Supplementary Fig. S1A). ... Somatic cell reprogramming is an ideal...