Airbus Helicopters H145M – Wikipedia
Der H145M (ehemals EC645 T2 LUH) verfügt über einen Ausleger mit Fenestron-Heckrotor, ein digitales Cockpit mit voller Nachtsichttauglichkeit und einen Autopiloten. Im Manöver …
Eurocopter EC145 - Wikipedia
The Airbus Helicopters H145 (formerly Eurocopter EC145) is a twin-engine light utility helicopter developed and manufactured by Airbus Helicopters. Originally designated as the BK 117 , the …
H145M Special Forces Helicopter - Bundeswehr
The H145M LUH SOF (Light Utility Helicopter – Special Operations Forces) is a light utility helicopter designed for the support of special operations forces. It caters perfectly to their needs.
Airbus delivers final H145 LUH SAR helicopter to Bundeswehr
2021年3月22日 · Airbus Helicopters has delivered the seventh and final H145 light utility helicopter (LUH) for search and rescue (SAR) services to the German Armed Forces …
H145M T2 Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) - Army Technology
2018年7月20日 · The H145M Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) (formerly EC645 T2) is a new medium-sized multimission military helicopter produced by Airbus Helicopters (previously known as …
Ausrüstung und Technik: Der Spezialkräfte-Helikopter H145M
Der H145M LUH SOF ist ein leichter Mehrzweckhubschrauber zur Verbringung von Spezialkräften – der Helikopter wurde speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Elitesoldaten …
Airbus Helicopters and German Armed Forces sign largest H145M …
Donauwörth – The German Bundeswehr and Airbus Helicopters have signed a contract for the purchase of up to 82 multi-role H145M helicopters (62 firm orders plus 20 options). This is the …
H145M LUH SOF in Luftwaffe - Helis.com
A military variant of the 4-bladed EC145T2 was ordered as the LUH SOF to be operated by the Luftwaffe on behalf Bundeswehr Special Forces Command (KSK, Kommando Spezialkräfte). …
H145 LUH SAR in Heeresflieger - Helis.com
The LUH SAR (Light Utility Helicopter, Search and Rescue) helicopter replaced the UH-1D at Niederstetten, Holzdorf and Nörvenich. The first H145 was delivered on December 10, 2019 …
德国武装部队接收第1架H145M LKH轻型攻击直升机 共订购62架
2024年11月20日 · 自2015年以来,德国空军陆续接收了15架H145M LUH SOF特种作战直升机,由于采用了HForce武器系统,这些直升机可以充当轻型攻击直升机使用,为特种部队提供 …