H1N1病毒的前世今生 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
H1N1v :H1N1v病毒是一种从猪中检测到的H1N1亚型,也被称为猪流感病毒。与pdmH1N1病毒不同的是,H1N1v病毒没有在人类中广泛传播,1918年首次爆发的也被称为猪流感,导致了一场世界性的大灾难。
About Swine/Variant Flu | Swine Flu | CDC - Centers for Disease …
2024年7月8日 · The main swine influenza viruses circulating in U.S. pigs in recent years have been, swine triple reassortant (tr) H1N1 influenza virus, trH3N2 virus, and trH1N2 virus. Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans. However, sporadic human infections with influenza viruses that normally circulate in swine and not people have occurred.
Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 - Wikipedia
Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (A/H1N1) is a subtype of influenza A virus (IAV). Some human-adapted strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and are one cause of seasonal influenza (flu). [1] . Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine influenza) and in birds (avian influenza). [2] .
H1N1 flu (swine flu) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
2023年3月23日 · The H1N1 flu, sometimes called swine flu, is a type of influenza A virus. During the 2009-10 flu season, a new H1N1 virus began causing illness in humans. It was often called swine flu and was a new combination of influenza viruses that infect pigs, birds and humans.
甲型H1N1流感 - 百度百科
甲型H1N1流感,简称H1N1,是由 甲型H1N1流感病毒 引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病。 该疾病的感染机会在免疫力低下、季节交替等环境下会有所增加。 受感染的人群普遍易感,尤其是儿童、老年人以及患有慢性病或处于孕期的妇女群体,他们感染后重症发生率较高。 甲型H1N1流感病毒感染后的病死率在万分之二到千分之九之间,因地区环境及医疗条件影响,死亡率存在差异。 甲型H1N1流感的潜伏期为1~7天,多为1~3天。 发病早期呈现普通流感症状,部分病例会出现消 …
H1N1 - 百度百科
所谓“H1N1”是病毒名称的缩写,其“H”指的是血球凝集素(Hemagglutinin)、而“N”指的是神经氨酸酶(Neuraminidase),两种都是病毒上的抗原名称。 其意思是:具有“血球凝集素(Hemagglutinin)第1型、神经氨酸酶(Neuraminidase)第1型”的病毒。 血球凝集素共有1~16型,神经氨酸酶共有1~9型。 与H1N1同一系列的还有 H5N1,H7N2,H1N7,H7N3,H13N6,H5N9,H11N6, H3N8,H9N2, …
Swine Flu (H1N1): What Is It, Causes, Treatments & Prevention
2022年8月5日 · Swine flu (H1N1) is a type of viral infection. It’s called swine flu because it resembles a respiratory infection that pigs can get. In 2009, an H1N1 pandemic infected millions of people worldwide. You can treat it with rest, fluids and …
H1N1 流感(猪流感) - 症状与病因 - 妙佑医疗国际
2023年5月10日 · 季节性流感疫苗现可帮助预防 H1N1 流感及其他季节性流感病毒。 H1N1 病毒引起的流感,通常被称为猪流感,与其他流感病毒的症状相似。 通常很快会出现症状,可能包括: 发热(但并不总是有此症状)。 肌肉疼痛。 寒战和出汗。 咳嗽。 咽喉疼痛。 流鼻涕或鼻塞。 眼睛多泪、发红。 眼睛疼痛。 身体疼痛。 头痛。 疲劳和无力。 腹泻。 感觉胃部不适、呕吐,儿童比成人更常见。 流感症状会在接触病毒后一到三天出现。 COVID-19、感冒、过敏和流感:有 …
Variant Influenza A (H3N2v, H1N2v, H1N1v) - MN Dept. of Health
2024年7月9日 · Similarly, the variant influenza A H1N2 ("H1N2v") virus strain is different from the human seasonal H1N2 virus. H1N2v is also different from the H3N2v strain. In general, the severity of illnesses associated with variant influenza …
Influenza A (H1N1) - World Health Organization (WHO)
Before the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, the influenza A (H1N1) virus had never been identified as a cause of infections in people. Genetic analyses of this virus have shown that it originated from animal influenza viruses and is unrelated to the human seasonal H1N1 viruses that have been in general circulation among people since 1977.