Student Main Campus Residence ePermits - UC Santa Barbara
For eligible students Residence Hall Parking on the Main Campus will be located – Structure 22, (H22) and designated areas in Lot 23 (H23). Off-Campus Parking UC Santa Barbara is committed to being a good neighbor.
University Owned Apartments ePermits - UC Santa Barbara
Residence Halls (Main Campus) – H22 (Structure 22) and designated areas in Lot 23 (H23) for eligible students. Parking ePermits are limited and issued on a first-come, first-served basis. A limited number of parking spaces are available for those that wish to bring cars.
Parking | Campus Housing - UC Santa Barbara
Residence Halls (Main Campus) – H22 (Structure 22) and designated areas in Lot 23 (H23) for eligible students. Parking ePermits are limited and issued on a first-come, first-served basis. A limited number of parking spaces are available for those that wish to bring cars.
Long-Term E-Parking Rates | Transportation & Parking Services
(available for purchase online at: tps.ucsb.edu/ePermits) $8: Graduate Student Employed by UCSB 45% or more of time "B" Annual: $450 "B" Quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) $120 "B" Carpool Annual: $225: Student, UCSB Housing “H23” - Residence Hall (9 months) $760.50 “H22” - Residence Hall (9 months) $535.50
Home | Transportation & Parking Services
Transportation & Parking Services, an innovative and self sustaining department, supports the UCSB mission by providing safe and reliable parking, fleet services and transportation alternatives to our campus community. TPS Office Hours: The Parking Services office hours are Monday - Friday from 7:30am to 4:00pm.
Student "C" Commuter ePermit - UC Santa Barbara
All UCSB parking permits have transitioned to a virtual ePermit parking system. The UCSB ePermit system works by associating your vehicle’s license plate with your individual parking account. The UCSB ePermit allows one vehicle to be associated with your parking ePermit.
H23 Housing Student H38 Housing Student Emergency • For fire, police or medical emergency assistance call 911 or use emergency phones (in red boxes). • UCSB Police Department, Public Safety Building, non-emergency 805-893-3446 (24 hours). ... UC-Santa-Barbara-CampusMap+IV-2021 Created Date:
(Example: “H23” Permit Valid Only in Designated Spaces in Lot 23 Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm; “H23” Permit Also Valid in Yellow and Green Lots [And Lot 23] at All Other Times)
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA MAP & DIRECTORY UCSB parking permit must be displayed on vehicle at all times. Permit dispensers throughout campus sell short-term permits at all times. The Parking Sales Office in Building 381 off Stadium Road sells permits during business hours. Payment by credit card and cash is accepted.
Staff "B" Permits - Current Employees - UC Santa Barbara
UCSB full-time and part-time career or limited appointment staff are eligible to obtain a staff B ePermit. Employees requesting “B” ePermits will have their status verified via the UC Path. The B ePermit allows you to park in the lots and structures designated for staff. Note: Only one vehicle per ePermit is allowed to park on campus at a time.