H2O2, a Necessary Evil for Cell Signaling | Science - AAAS
2006年6月30日 · H 2 O 2 production has been studied most extensively in neutrophils. These immune cells defend a host against infections by engulfing and killing foreign microorganisms.
Is Hydrogen Peroxide a Suitable Apoptosis Inducer for All Cell …
To determine if H 2 O 2 is a suitable apoptosis inducer for a given cell type, we measured cytochemical and genetic indices of apoptosis and necroptosis under a range of H 2 O 2 …
Methods to detect hydrogen peroxide in living cells: Possibilities …
2013年8月1日 · One ROS that has been identified as a major second messenger in redox signaling is hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2). This small, membrane-permeable oxidant is …
The Role of Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxiredoxins throughout the Cell …
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an oxidizing agent that induces cellular damage at inappropriate concentrations and gives rise to an arrest during cell cycle progression, causing cell death. …
Cytotoxic potency of H2O2 in cell cultures: Impact of cell ...
2010年11月1日 · Using C6 glioma cells in this study we investigated in detail how exposure time and cell concentration affect the cytotoxic potency of H 2 O 2 in vitro. Median cytotoxic …
A detailed analysis of hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death in ... - PubMed
The studies reported here investigate H2O2-induced cell death in more detail. Our data suggest that exposure of cultured cortical neurons to H2O2 can induce apoptotic cell death within 3 h, …
Effect of hydrogen peroxide on proliferation, apoptosis and …
Understanding how to regulate the actions of H2O2 in T cells will allow for the creation of novel ways to improve the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The current study presents baseline …
Hydrogen Peroxide-induced Cell Death in Mammalian Cells
Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) is an important intra- and extra-cellular signaling molecule that can determine cell fate. At low concentrations, H 2 O 2 plays roles in proliferation, immunity, and …
Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing and Signaling - Cell Press
2007年4月13日 · Here, we will discuss the molecular mechanisms by which hydrogen peroxide is sensed and the increasing evidence that antioxidant enzymes play multiple, key roles as …
Reining in H2O2 for Safe Signaling: Cell - Cell Press
2010年2月19日 · Mammalian cells use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) not only to kill invading pathogens, but also as a signaling modulator. Woo et al. (2010) now show that the local …