Home | H3
H3 is a discrete global grid system for indexing geographies into a hexagonal grid, developed at Uber. Coordinates can be indexed to cell IDs that each represent a unique cell. Indexed data can be quickly joined across disparate datasets and aggregated at different levels of precision.
Introduction | H3
H3 is a geospatial indexing system that partitions the world into hexagonal cells. H3 is open source under the Apache 2 license. The H3 Core Library implements the H3 grid system.
Tables of Cell Statistics Across Resolutions | H3
Cell areas are computed with a spherical model of the earth using the authalic radius given by WGS84 / EPSG:4326. The area of an H3 cell varies based on its position relative to the icosahedron vertices. We show the average hexagon areas for each resolution. All pentagons within a resolution have the same area.
API Quick Reference — h3-py - GitHub Pages
We list the functions that are shared between the provided APIs. The APIs differ only in their input/output types (e.g., int vs. str or list vs numpy.array). These functions correspond to those explained in the H3 C library documentation, and should be generally aligned with the other language bindings. Validates an H3 cell (hexagon or pentagon).
GitHub - isaacbrodsky/h3-duckdb: Bindings for H3 to DuckDB
This is a DuckDB extension that adds support for the H3 discrete global grid system, so you can index points and geometries to hexagons in SQL.
H3-index.es - H3 tools
This website aims to encompass multiple tools to help you understand and visualize H3 cells. What is H3? H3 is a global discrete hexagonal grid system that divides the Earth's surface into …
How to convert H3 cell boundaries to Shapely polygons in Python
2023年3月6日 · We need the boundary of a hex in order to convert it to a Shapely geometry object. Luckily, we can do this with the H3 library’s h3_to_geo_boundary function (renamed cell_to_boundary in...
The many faces of H3.3 in regulating chromatin in embryonic stem cells …
2024年4月12日 · H3.3 is a highly conserved nonreplicative histone variant. In mammalian cells, H3.3 is enriched in both active chromatin and suppressed heterochromatin. H3.3 is associated with development and cell fate maintenance. H3.3 is also involved in heterochromatin formation and silencing of developmental genes.
The cell-cycle choreography of H3 variants shapes the genome
2023年11月2日 · In this review, we focus on the family of H3 variants and their dynamics in space and time during the cell cycle. We review the distinct H3 variants’ specific features along with their escort partners, the histone chaperones, compiled across different species to discuss their distinct importance considering evolution.
Dynamics of Histone H3 Deposition In Vivo Reveal a ... - Cell Press
2011年12月23日 · Establishment of a proper chromatin landscape is central to genome function. Here, we explain H3 variant distribution by specific targeting and dynamics of deposition involving the CAF-1 and HIRA histone chaperones. Impairing replicative H3.1 incorporation via CAF-1 enables an alternative H3.3 deposition at replication sites via HIRA.