Hodgdon H335 Warning - The Firearms Forum
2016年9月8日 · 2) Most importantly, H335 is unlike most all other powders in that it gets very nasty when loaded beyond listed data for your bullet. Quit chasing velocity and exceeding Max load data for H335 loads as H335 will return you damage to your gun and maybe you, too. It is unique in this regard, according to this article. LDBennett
H335 in M1A & L1A1? - The Firearms Forum
2024年9月4日 · None of the seven propellants listed for "service rifle" loads were H335. Nonetheless, when I look up data using H335 with the Nosler projectile, it lists a maximum reported pressure that is in the middle of the pressure ranges developed from the other propellants. Yet, the H335/150 gr. Nosler BT data is not listed under the "service rifle" loads.
H335 for 308 - Sniper's Hide
2011年5月14日 · H335 will work, but there are much better options out there. Varget would be a better choice and is the go to powder for a lot of 308 shooters. If you're looking to stick with a ball powder though, I have had great results from W748.
Need Load for .223 Rem. with H335 - The Firearms Forum
2009年12月9日 · The A-Bolt liked 26.0 gr of H335. The Browning 1885 single shot likes the Speer 52 gr HP (#1035) with 26.0 gr of H335. My fast twist AR likes 75 gr BTHP Match and 22.5 gr of Vit. N140. The AR hated 52 gr bullets with H335 and exploded them before they got to the target! Hope this helps and please do come back. LDBennett
H335 for .45-70 JSP 405 gr. - The Firearms Forum
2015年4月29日 · Steve - H335 is a pretty poor choice to load .45-70 with. H-335 is better suited to .223 and similar use. For those 405 grain bullets, I'd strongly suggest IMR-3031. You can load about 175 rounds with only one pound of powder, and you'll like the results. I'd …
Benchmark vs H335 - Improving H335 Performance? | Sniper's …
2010年6月28日 · Re: Benchmark vs H335 - Improving H335 Performance? Haven't shot any 62's but 25.3 of H335 and the 65 SGK shoots pretty consistent groups for me out of a 1/12 (which it shouldn't but does) at just under 3000fps. 24.5 of AA2015 gave the best groups with the 60 …
H335 Powder - The Firearms Forum
2012年12月31日 · H335 is not a slow burning powder. On the Hodgdon powder relative burn Rates chart IMR3031 is 78 and H335 is 81. Varget, a common choice for 223, is 99. W748 is 101 on the list. So I suspect it is not the burn rate of the powder. It could be the short barrel. But all powders are a little different.
H335 vs. H322 in a .223 - The Firearms Forum
2010年11月10日 · did an interesting experiment at the range yesterday. compared Hodgdon H335 with H322 using the exact same brass and bullets. i even weighed the bullets so they were all within .2 grains of 55 FMJ. with both powders i was close to the listed max, 25 grains with 335 and 23 with 322. shot groups...
H335 in large calibers - The Firearms Forum
2022年3月16日 · I do not and never have used H335. There was/is a thread stated yesterday that mentioned H335 in 30.06 so I looked it up on the Hodgdon web site. There were loads listed for just about every bullet weight in the 30.06 category. I know that doesn't answer your question,but it was just an observation by me!
H335 powder or winchester powder - The Firearms Forum
2013年2月5日 · thanks for the help, what I have is powder from a old shooter who has passed away some time back and I suspect that this re-canned powder that is marked Winchester ball / H335 might be the mil surplus WC844 but will have to due more checking be for using it, thought about buying a can of new H335 and comparing it with a …