乙酸 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
乙酸 (英語: ethanoic acid)又稱 醋酸 (英語: acetic acid),化学式為CH 3 COOH,是一种 有机 一元酸 和 短链饱和脂肪酸,为 食醋 酸味 及 刺激性 气味 的来源。 近乎無水的纯乙酸(含水量1%以下)稱為「冰醋酸」,為无色的吸湿性 晶体, 凝固点 为16~17 ℃ (62 ℉)。 尽管乙酸是一种 弱酸,但是它具有 腐蚀性,其 蒸汽 对 眼 和 鼻 有刺激性作用,聞起來有一股刺鼻的酸臭味。 乙酸是第二简单的 羧酸 (仅次于 甲酸),其分子由一個 甲基 一個 羧基 构成。 乙酸是一种 …
Acetic acid - Wikipedia
Acetic acid / əˈsiːtɪk /, systematically named ethanoic acid / ˌɛθəˈnoʊɪk /, is an acidic, colourless liquid and organic compound with the chemical formula CH3COOH (also written as CH3CO2H, C2H4O2, or HC2H3O2). Vinegar is at least 4% acetic acid by volume, making acetic acid the main component of vinegar apart from water.
CH3COOH Lewis Structure (Acetic acid) - YouTube
In the Lewis structure of CH3COOH structure there are a total of 24 valence electrons. CH3COOH is also called Acetic acid. ---- Steps to Write Lewis Structure for compounds like CH3COOH ---- 1....
乙酸 - 百度百科
乙酸(Acetic acid),化学式为CH3COOH,别名为 醋酸,是除 甲酸 以外最简单的有机 一元弱酸 (常温下pKa = 4.75),常温常压下为无色有刺激性气味的液体,常以符号HOAc或HAc表示,为 食醋 的主要成分。 乙酸在自然界中分布广泛,例如以 乙酸乙酯 的形式存在于 果蔬 和 植物油 中,以游离酸的形式存在于动物组织、排泄物以及 血液 中,亦可在 微生物 体内由其他有机物发酵转化而来 [4]。 对于 无水乙酸,常以“ 冰乙酸 “称呼之,为无色的吸湿性液体, 凝固点 为16.6 …
H3CCO2H (Acetic Acid) Molar Mass - ChemicalAid
There are 4 easy steps to find the molar mass of H3CCO2H based on its chemical formula. 1. Count The Number of Each Atom. The first step to finding the molar mass of Acetic Acid is to count the number of each atom present in a single molecule using the chemical formula, H3CCO2H: 2. Find Atomic Mass of Each Element.
H3CCO2H molar mass - Chemical Portal
To calculate molar mass of a chemical compound enter its formula and click 'Compute'. In chemical formula you may use: Any chemical element. Capitalize the first letter in chemical symbol and use lower case for the remaining letters: Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, S, O, H, C, N, Na, K, Cl, Al. parenthesis () or brackets []. Common compound names.
H3CCO2H{-} molar mass
逐步计算摩尔质量; 首先,计算 h 3 cco 2 h{-} 中每个原子的数量: h: 4, c: 2, o: 2. 然后,查找元素周期表中每个元素的原子量: h: 1.00794, c: 12.0107, o: 15.9994 现在,计算原子数与原子量的乘积之和:
Acetic Acid - Purdue University
Structural Formula. CH 3 CO 2 H. acetic acid ... Molecular Model
摩尔质量 of H3CCO2H - zh.webqc.org
摩尔质量 of H3CCO2H is 60.0520 g/mol. Convert between H3CCO2H weight and moles.
Acetic acid - NIST Chemistry WebBook
C p,liquid: Constant pressure heat capacity of liquid: S° liquid Entropy of liquid at standard conditions: Δ c H° liquid: Enthalpy of combustion of liquid at standard conditions