H414 discontinued - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
It is a tad slower than H414 (W760), has more energy than IMR 4350 being a double base powder and doesn't change in any significant way with temp changes -- which RL-15 did! As someone here mentioned, H414 (W760) will let you know right away if …
Hodgdon H414? - Ruger Forum
2014年5月16日 · H414/W760 is a great .30-06 powder with 150's shooting them over 2900 fps; it works great with 165-180's also. Load densities are 90% plus. Possibly various load manuals list slightly different loads for H414 & W760 because they are using different lots of the same powder.
H414 vs. W760 - 24hourcampfire
2011年3月20日 · I have often heard that H414 and W760 are about, or more or less, the same powder. I note in the Speer #14 manual that under the 7-08 they list the same powder charge (start and max) for both powders for the 115, 130 and 160 gr bullets (of all designs) but a difference of 2 and 3 grains, respectively, for the 140 and 175 gr bullets.
H414 Temp Sensitivity - 24hourcampfire
2007年9月21日 · I beieve H414 is the same powder as W760 and as a Winchester ball powder it is not known as being temp stable. I don`t think it will make a whole lot of difference with a <50 F change in temps but if you are developing a load at 70 and hunting in sub zero weather I would switch to a more stablel powder such as Hodgdons "Extreem" line.
H414 in the 7mm-08. - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2007年10月6日 · Layne Simpson's data for the 7mm-08 and 7mmSGLC was developed with H414/W760. Impressive velocities too. July 1990 issue of Shooting Times: Rem 700 Mtn Rifle 22"bbl, 7mm-08, Rem case, CCI 250 139 Hornady 48.0gr H414 2919fps 130 Speer 50.0gr W760 2972fps Jarrett M7 20" bbl, 7mmSGLC (40degree improved), Rem case, WLRM
Are H414 and W760 the same powder? - 24hourcampfire
2007年3月27日 · Nominally, H414 and W760 are of the same propellant solid density 1.620 grams per milliliter. Their other specs are close but not identical: heat of explosion: H414 3,960 kJ/kg W760 3,880 ratio of specific heats: H414 1.2300 W760 1.2450 burning-rate factor: H414 0.4670 W760 0.4529
W 760 or H414 in 7X57? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2009年8月9日 · Accuracy with H4350, in my rifle, is considerably superior to H414, but I have never loaded Winchester 760, so I can't make a comparison with it. My "accuracy load", using H4350, is 47.2 grains of H4350 which yielded a 3-shot group (at 50 yards) of .176 inches with 5-10 minutes between shots to allow my short, thin barrel to cool down.
H414 & W760 - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2019年8月2日 · But H414 and W760 have been the same powder for a long time. Only the labels on the canisters differed. As somebody has already hinted (but not explained perfectly clearly) Hodgdon has owned the copyright to the "WInchester" powders for a number of years now--which is why Hodgdon's data for both is exactly the same.
H414 discontinued - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
H414 yields similar results to H4350 in most cartridges, although charge weights will vary. This powder was discontinued in 2020.” "The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors.
Are These The EXACT Same Powders? - 24hourcampfire
2024年2月12日 · It's been a while now since Hodgdon started publishing exactly the same loads for H414 and W760 in their on-line data. In fact, before they revised the site in the past year they still list identical loads for both powders, but with the new data program you have to …