IMR 4198 vs H4198? What's the difference? - Cast Boolits
2019年2月2日 · I4198 & H4198 are not the same powder, so they are not interchangeable in load recipes. FWIW, recently I have used a lot of older I4198 (metal can vintage) in smokeless MZs and cartridges and current load data for I4198 seems to work fine (IN MY RIFLES, your results may vary!) with this older I4198.
IMR 4198 vs H4198? What's the difference? - Page 2 - Cast Boolits
2024年4月4日 · There are burn rate charts available online that lists most all manufactures and available powders from fastest to slowest. H4198 is just a hair faster burning than the IMR equivalent, but probably not enough to be noticeable. I would be concerned with increased pressures because powders with similar burn rates can have big differences in ...
Anyone load with H4198? - Cast Boolits
2021年12月21日 · I've used H4198 in many calibers, both full power in some and reduced in many - .223, 30-30, 32 Special, 35 Remington, 300 Savage, 303 Savage, 308 Win, 358 Win, 444, 45-70, 218 Bee, even the .243 Win with 55 grain bullets. It can be useful in most rifles. I'd take as much as you can get.
H-4198 vs IMR-4198 - Ruger Forum
2017年1月20日 · Gentlemen, I screwed up big time. The Hodgdon site only lists H4198 for the 300 savage. I transposed IMR-4895 for IMR-4198. This goof on my part really shows why it is important to check several reloading manuals to obtain a safe load for your firearm.
IMR-4198 vs. H4198 - Cast Boolits
2022年12月6日 · IMR-4198 vs. H4198 I've used a lot of IMR-4198 over many years in cast loads for various .30 caliber cartridges and the .32-40, .38-55, .45-70 and maybe others, but I've never tried H4198. For those of you who have used both powders, are accuracy results of the two powders about the same with comparable charges?
H4198 the preferred powder for what loadings? - Cast Boolits
2024年7月16日 · My "go to" hunting loads in .45/70 and .444 use H4198 with IMR a close 2nd. It doesn't seem to matter whether the load is near "maximum" or "starting" charges, an accurate receipt is easily found. I've not had much luck with this powder in .223, or any of the .22 cal "small" cases for some reason.
Does anyone have anything good to say about H4198 in 7.62x39?
2015年3月16日 · I just loaded 500 rds of Hornady 123gr .310" SPFBs with 26 gr of H4198. Hodgdon shows max as 26.5, Hornady shows max as 25.7. IMR-4198, which is very similar, has done well for me with 20gr behind the Lee C312-155-2R work your loads up, and listen to what your gun tells you.
H4198 and IMR4198 - Cast Boolits
2009年10月19日 · Hodgdon 4198 was made in Scotland for a time ( I think ). They where very close in burning rate, probably 1/2 a grain plus or minus. No big deal- Different batches of powder vary just a little, so max charges should be reworked each time you start a new lot number or Hod to IMR. Hodgdon now has rights to IMR powder and I THINK- H4198 has been ...
165 Grain bullet in 30-30 and H4198 - Cast Boolits
2018年5月14日 · I have not been having much luck with H4895 so I picked up some H4198 today. Lees load book shows 14-17 grains for a 170 cast . Nothing for a 165. I loaded up some at 15 grains but noticed case is not very full. I am using a BR2 match primer which is a little hotter but not much. Any danger in these or should I pull them?
H4198 vs. IMR4198 - Cast Boolits
2016年12月2日 · H4198 can be used in place of IMR4198, but do not use the data for IMR4198. The Hodgdon powder web site list the following for both powders using a 150 gr. jacketed bullet in the 30-30. The max charge for H4198 is 24 gr. The max charge for IMR4198 is 23 gr.