H4350 load work up - 243 Win | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年10月14日 · Re: H4350 load work up - 243 Win I was thinking about loading some lower charges at 37gn, 37.5, 38, 38.5, then 39, 39.5, 40, 40.5, 41. Just to be safe, most of the people I have talked to say there load is around 41 - 42 grains, but when I saw that hodgdon's max I gotta a little nervous starting my workup at 39gn.
H4350 substitute | Long Range Hunting Forum
2021年7月15日 · IMR 4350, Accurate 4350, and H4350 are really close. H4350 temp stability makes it attractive and more popular (no personal experience directly comparing them head to head). The good news: There has been a large amount of H4350 available the last week or two. Post after post in the classifieds about H4340 online availability recently.
6.5 PRC 143g ELD-X Starting Point for H4350 and N560 Powders
2020年9月27日 · H4350 is a little too fast burn rate, you will hit pressure before speed. I use h1000, but thats hard to find. I tried some 4831sc, it shot very well and numbers were good. It was a little slower, 75fps than my h1000 load. Might also look at imr 8133 and 7977.
7mm rem mag and H4350 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2022年10月16日 · But I have only two pounds of H1000 which will not last me long enough at all. I do however have a lot of h4350 My concern is case fill capacity because max charge for h4350 is listed at 56gr where as h1000 is listed at 69. I’m worried about inconsistent velocities and ignition with the lower case fill of h4350 and accuracy lacking because ...
Hodgdon 4350 vs. IMR 4350 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年3月31日 · The H4350 is a temp insenstive powder. From winter time to summer time, you will notice a velocity/pressure change in your load with some of the IMR powders. I love the IMR powders, especially IMR4350. But a hot/fast load developed in the winter time will be a HOT load in the summer time. You won't notice this with the H4350 powder.
270 win & H4350 | Long Range Hunting Forum
2010年11月2日 · The H4350 is the most accurate powder in both guns - better than both RL22 (which is a bit faster) and IMR4350 (which is close, but not quite as accurate). I see no reason to worry much about 50 or even 100 fps when shooting a .270 since I don't use it for truly long range shooting - I have a self-imposed 500 yard max - but 55.0 gr. of H4350 ...
H4350 vs IMR4350 30-06 load | Long Range Hunting Forum
2011年12月12日 · I've got a REM 700 24" factory barrell, Choate varmint stock, 6x20 Vortex Viper, and a really lighten trigger. I'm working up a load with H4350, 180 grn accubonds. Anybody have any experience with H4350 vs IMR4350? I use them one antelope, deer, and elk in varying conditions from mid 70's down to about -30.
6BR family: Other than Varget? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年1月14日 · As mentioned above H4350 also works well in the dasher for the 6mm heavies and packs in a little better because of the smaller kernels compared to RL16, but it will still be a mildly compressed load. RL15 works well too, and H4895 also works well and will leave room in the case-- it's a better choice for a straight BR.
Poll - Charge Weight for 140gr 6.5 Creedmoor w/ H4350
2021年1月17日 · You have 3 popular nodes for H4350 (and also Reloder 16) and 140's. Consistent velocities will generally occurr at 40.5, 41.5, and 42.5. Obviously it may be +/- 0.2 or so and may take some tweaking to get the ideal consistency in your rifle. I do 41.5 with 140's because I get velocities/numbers I want and great brass life.
StaBall 6.5 for H-4350 in 6.5 Creedmoor | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年1月10日 · Over 2800 fps with 140/142s (like 100 fps above H4350), and almost as fast as SuperFormance and Hybrid100V for the 147s. What really surprised me, though, is the data for .30-06 - namely, pushing the 208 ELD-M @ 2660 fps w/ 54.2 grains. Hodgdon also lists it as faster than Enduron 4955 and SuperFormance with 180s (and H4350).