H4831 vs H4831sc | Sniper's Hide Forum
2007年6月9日 · Re: H4831 vs H4831sc If you have a look at Jerry Tierney's load data, from the load development he did for his .284 about five years ago, he separated his H4831 loads from H4831sc loads, and found an accuracy difference: minor velocity changes, but large changes in group size for the same charge weight.
Difference in H4831 & H4831sc | Long Range Hunting Forum
2007年11月25日 · For H4831SC, this Extreme extruded powder is the exact ballistic copy of H4831. Physically, it has a shorter grain size which earned it the "SC" designation for "short cut." The shorter, more compact kernels allow the powder to flow through the powder measures more smoothly, helping to alleviate the constant cutting of granules.
H4831 for 300win mag? | Long Range Hunting Forum
2017年12月2日 · H4831 will work fine, not optimal but plenty good. I know some hunters whose favorite load for their 300 WM is a load with H4831, esp with lighter bullets. In addition it is not esp. sens to temp variations. If you continue to be unable to locate any H1000, RL26 is another good alternative.
H4831 and H4831SC interchangable? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年8月18日 · Re: H4831 and H4831SC interchangable? GT, I use this powder in my 25/06. I used to use H4831 and went to H4831SC. I used the same data from H4831 TO H4831SC and got the same results. Hodgon said that the SC was for better metering through a powder thrower and it would meter better because the kernels were shorter.
IMR 4831 vs H4831sc | Long Range Hunting Forum
2012年6月22日 · The fact that the H4831 is indeed a slower burning powder is precisely why you're seeing higher velocities obtained with that powder, as opposed to what you've seen with the IMR stuff. Also good powder, but somewhat better suited to slightly smaller cases with a …
7mm and h4831???? - Sniper's Hide
2009年11月19日 · Re: 7mm and h4831???? One of my lyman books recommends h-4831 for the 7mm Remington Magnum using a 168gr HPBT load as a preferred load for accuracy, 59.0-65.0(being max) for that load. Looking across the pages it seems every cartridge in the .284 diameter has some charge listed for H-4831, or IMR-4831.
7 PRC reloading with H4831SC | Long Range Hunting Forum
2022年5月4日 · I loaded up some new ADG brass for my 7PRC with H4831SC. I started at 62.1g with 162gr ELD-M bullets and Federal LRMag primers and shot them from a Proof 24" new barrel. The website shows 64.2gr of H4831 should yield 3,018fps. I got an average of 2,906 fps from 5 shots off my MagnetoSpeed chronograph with no pressure signs or hard bolt lift.
.243 h4831sc? h4831? rl17 or 19? | Long Range Hunting Forum
2012年1月31日 · I have not been on here in a while. I notice the advance search is gone so I can't look up loads for .243. I am loading some 100 gr Hornady Interlock BT softpoints for a friend. My Hornady book shows the H4831, RL 17 and 19 as some of the recommended powders. I'm just looking for any tips on...
When to switch from 4350 to 4831 in the .30-06? - Sniper's Hide
2011年1月15日 · I have H4350, H4831, and H4831sc. I know H4350 is the preferred from these, but my reloading books all include H4831 or sc for heavier bullets. I just don't hear much love for 4831 in the 06. I'm working up a load for hunting whitetail deer with the 178 Amax through a 26 1/2" thin barrel. Which powder would you choose and why?
H4831 for 300win mag? | Page 2 | Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年5月23日 · As was stated above I found that equal charges of H4831/H4831 SC do not produce the same velocity. In a 25/06 H4831 SC was more than 200 FPS slower than the regular type. I realize that could have been mostly different lots of powder but what ever, the SC type was slower. Regards