H5P – Create and Share Rich HTML5 Content and Applications
H5P enables existing CMSs and LMSs to create richer content. With H5P, authors may create and edit interactive videos, presentations, games, advertisements and more.
Examples and Downloads - H5P
Preview and explore these content types below. You can create interactive content by adding the H5P plugin to your WordPress, Moodle or Drupal site, or integrate it via LTI with Canvas, …
Anyone have experience with H5P? : r/Professors - Reddit
2020年6月14日 · Our IT/learning center held a workshop for the H5P tool, which is integrated with our LMS (we use Moodle). It was presented mainly as a way to create interactive videos, but there were many other functions as well.
H5P - GitHub
A fork of H5P.Column (now Page) to be used in pages. H5P has 151 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
H5P as a Service - H5P.com
H5P in LMSs like Canvas, Brightspace, and Blackboard, hosted near you by the creators of H5P. Need a custom demo? Create better content faster with H5P. Join the powerful H5P OER movement and change the world of interactive content. 50+ content types. Get a glimpse of how H5P can enrich your website with interactive content.
H5P : Le Guide pour créer vos activités pédagogiques
Un focus complet sur l’outil H5P sera proposé dans le cadre de la formation : créer un site E-learning avec WordPress. Zoom sur les 10 premières sachant qu’il y en a 43 en tout ! 1. Course Présentation : Créer une présentation avec diapositives interactives. 2. Accordion : Créer des éléments extensibles et dépliables verticalement. 3.
Using AI to create H5P Content
Learn how you may use Chat GPT directly to create quizzes and interactive summaries in H5P. You also get to see how you can use Smart Import to turn a video into a complete interactive …
H5P - Wikipedia
H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package, and aims to make it easy for everyone to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content. [2][3] Interactive videos, interactive presentations, quizzes, interactive timelines and more [4] have been developed and shared using H5P on H5P.org. H5P is being used by 17 000+ websites. [5][6][7] In June 2018 ...
H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package, and aims to make it easy for everyone to create, share, reuse and modify interactive HTML5 content. Currently there are over 50 default content types available, but you can add more from the community or create your own bespoke template.
H5P est une application en ligne qui permet de créer des contenus interactifs visuellement et fonctionnellement très riches : QCM, glisser/déposer, champs à compléter, etc., mais aussi des images ou des vidéos interactives, des jeux, des lignes du temps... bref, l’application propose plus d’une vingtaine d’activités du plus bel ...