h6 move explanation... - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2021年8月4日 · As a human, I'd say ...h6 is a bad move. Why is that? In the opening, you'll want to play as efficiently as possible. Play all of your pieces once, get your king to safety and get a hold of the center. ...h6 doesn't do that. It almost always loses an important move that you could have used better by developing a piece or castling.
h6 as a prophylactic move in the opening - Chess Stack Exchange
2016年5月28日 · The way you've described h6, preventing the annoying Bg5 pin, is called a prophylactic move. They definitely have their uses, and you often see both sides going h3 and h6 after castling later in the game to prevent a later back-rank checkmate, BUT every stage of the game has its own priorities.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...h6 - Wikibooks
2024年8月19日 · 1...h6 [ edit | edit source ] A mirrored St. George Defence , this defence is considered a very weak response to the King's Pawn Opening, as not only does it not open any lines for development and allows White quick and easy development, it additionally weakens Black's king position slightly and is a time wasting move.
What does this ...h6 move do? - Chess Forums
2020年10月7日 · H6 prevents the exchange of bishops, and is a clearly useful, if not terribly exciting move. Its hard to find another move for black that is clearly useful. This isn't one of those chess engine moves that is too deap for humans to parse -- h6 makes sense using basic positional analysis.
What is with the move H6? - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2023年3月3日 · Every move you play should be the best one. Don't play h6 (h3) if it's not the best one. That in essence is it. As MelvinGarvey already pointed out, as an opening move, h6 (h3) in 99% cases is a bad move, plus it makes your castle vulnerable.
opening - Why black plays h6 in Queen's Gambit declined? - Chess …
2024年5月5日 · In the subsequent play, Black has gained luft, which is almost almost always useful, But sometimes White can sacrifice on h6, and sometimes prize the position open with g2-g4-g5. Others have pointed out various aspects, A complete answer would be book-length.
h3 / h6 long term problems - lichess.org
Game Value: This game shows, in very simple fashion, the 3 common steps to exploiting a bad h3/h6 move: (1) target h6, (2) make a sacrifice to open the king up, and (3) flood pieces in to win the game. 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 h6 In this position, h6 is played likely to prevent Ng5, which was already prevented because Qd8 watches the g5 square. 4...
Why is h6 the best move here? : r/chessbeginners - Reddit
2023年2月28日 · As others have pointed out, h6 prevents Bg5 from White. Committing h6 before it's even needed is known as a 'prophylactic move' - worth a Google if you like chess videos. It's also worth seeing the potential attack White has on Black if Black castles and allows Bg5.
2014年3月17日 · * In chess problems, " S" is used to represent the Knight. Algebraic Notation: Moves The notation for a move indicates which piece is moved, and to where: Qa3 Queen moves to a3 Kh6 King moves to h6 b4 Pawn moves to b4 Where two identical pieces could move to the same square, the piece name is followed by its original file (or rank where the
Chess Opening Theory/1. h4/1...d5/2. h5/2...e5/3. h6
The main plan of this opening is to open up White's rook file or have a thorn pawn on h6, then strike at the center with d4 and c4 afterwards. Sometimes if Black takes the pawn, White can take back with Bxh6 after d4. White will always play d4 in every line.