Difference between D2S/H7/9005 LED lights? - Dodge Challenger Forum
2022年10月8日 · As to your original question, D2S/H7/9005 are all different bulbs, not all interchangeable. If you are doing a retrofit for LEDs, you will have choices. if you had LEDs originally, you could have one of those types, but would have to use the same bulb type
Whats the difference between H7 and D2S - Astra Owners …
2008年4月11日 · h7 and d2s bulbs look the same but the connection is completely different. D2S is a Xenon bulb fitment. H7 is a halogen bulb fitment. H7 uses a 3 pronged base, D2S has a single prong base. You may be able to force an H7 into a …
What is the diff between an h7 xenon D1S bulb and an D2S bulb
2005年11月1日 · A H7 is a halogen lamp. A D2S can be modified to fit into a H7 halogen projector. A D1S has a square housing at the lamp base that incorporates the high voltage lamp starter electronics. A D2S lamp uses a ballast that has the high voltage lamp starting circuit inside.
D2s Vs H7 Bulb | Hyundai Forums
2010年6月7日 · Can you fit in an actual D2S bulb in the H7 slot for a true HID? D2S = HID Bulb. H7 = Halogen. The problem will lie with the focal point of the projector, being the headlight projectors are currently focused in with the halogen H7 bubs.
Differences between H7 and D2S | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
2012年11月10日 · I'm wondering what the differences between H7 and D2S bulbs are. I purchased 2013 GLI Autobahn replica headlights with no low beam bulb included. The AD states that the low beam is H7, but also says D2S HID. Does it matter if I get an H7 HID kit or do I have to get a D2S HID kit in order for it to work?
请教 关于选H7还是D2S 还是D2H的灯泡 - 汽车之家
2013年8月1日 · D2H是针对国产安定器接口,D2S是进口安定器的一种接口,插口不一样,灯座一样! 虽说小弟喜欢玩灯,但是都是买大灯总成的多,最近发现这款透镜的厂家说明可以用D2S,D2S进口灯泡+进口安定器会不会比国产的亮呢? 另外这种底座的透镜 能上D2S的灯泡吗? 求DX指教。 商家都推荐用D2H,就是尾巴上连着线的,也说H7可以用,但是都没推荐过D2S的。 很奇怪. 虽说小弟喜欢玩灯,但是都是买大灯总成的多,最近发现这款透镜的厂家说明可以 …
Whats the deal with d2h bulbs? : r/GolfGTI - Reddit
2020年1月6日 · D2S is a standard bulb shape and base, uses a standard d2s connector (the twist lock). D3S is similar, twist lock slightly different bulb iirc. D2H uses an H7 base spliced to AMP connectors, with the d2 bulb shape.
H7 vs. D2S hid bulb - Mazda3 Forums
2009年7月18日 · Hey guys I'm new here and this is my first post...recently I bought some H7 8000k HID bulbs for my 2005 mazda 3i sedan. I noticed that there is another bulb called D2S for HIDs as well. Do the D2S bulbs work better than the H7's? And if so do they install the same or do I need a converter to fit them right?
HID Questions... D2S vs H7 - Honda CBR 600RR Forum
2011年5月15日 · The H7 bulbs use AMP connectors which are not the same as the D2S connectors. If you have the 35W HIDs you could buy D2H bulbs to connect to your DDM ballasts (D2H bulbs are the same shape as D2S but use an AMP connector) when you …
H7 vs. D2S HID - Audizine
2009年3月13日 · I know that the oem hids have d2s, but since i have a choice i might as well ask. Should i be trying to get lights for the D2S or H7 bulb? Which is better and produces more lumens at the same K?