Kawanishi H8K2 Emily Manufacture Number 426 Tail T-31
Built by Kawanishi at Konan Plant in Kobe completed March 1943. Delivered to the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) as Type 2 Flying Boat / H8K2 Emily manufacture number 426. Assigned …
Kawanishi H8K - Wikipedia
The Kawanishi H8K was a large, four-engine aircraft designed for long range and extended endurance on patrols or bombing missions typically flown alone over the ocean. The prototype …
The Last Emily : Kanoya's Nishikawa H8K2 Type 2 Flying Boat
2019年12月2日 · The H8K was fast, has a large lifting capacity and very long range. It was robustly built and also has a very comprehensive set of defensive armaments. It saw service …
二式飛行艇 - Wikipedia
二式飛行艇 (にしきひこうてい)は、 大日本帝国海軍 の 飛行艇。 初飛行は 1941年 (昭和 16年)。 略符号 は「H8K」。 レシプロエンジン 装備の飛行艇としては、当時世界最高の性 …
Warplanes of Japan: Kawanishi H8K - silverhawkauthor.com
Kawanishi H8K2 Type 2 flying boat (Serial No. 426) in Washington State post war. Four H8K2 aircraft survived until the end of the war. One of these, an H8K2 (Serial No. 426), was …
Kawanishi H8K ‘Emily’ Flying Boats Part V – The Survivor
H8K2 Model 11 constructor’s number 426 was assigned to the 801st Kokutai and was at Takuma when the war ended. It was selected for evaluation and shipped to America. Here is 426 on …
川西 H8K “晴空”武士们的水上“二式”大艇 - 百家号
2024年3月9日 · 日本使用新型h8k1水上飞机轰炸珍珠港,展示其远程打击能力。h8k系列飞机经过多次改进,成为二战期间出色的海军飞机。战争结束后,幸存的h8k飞机被美国俘获并评价极 …
Aero Detail 31 Kawanishi H8K "EMILY" Type 2 Flying Boat
Squadron Commander Lt. Cmdr. Tsuneo Nichitsuji of the 802nd Kokutai selected s/n 426 as the best of his three remaining Emilys. It was prepared for flight and flown by Cmdr. Nichitsuji, a …
kawanishi h8k ("emily") 426 • H8K2 built Konan 3.43, captured by US forces Takuma, Shikoku 9.45 (flown to Yokohama 13.11.45 by Japanese crew with a
Pacific Wrecks - Kawanishi Type 2 Flying Boat / H8K2 (Emily)
H8K2 "Sazanami" J-BFOY prewar Nippon Airlines. H8K2 426 surrendered Japan to United States in 1979 then returned to Japan and displayed Kanoya Museum. H8K1 Y-71 (No. 1) pilot …
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