Kawanishi H8K - Wikipedia
The H8K2 was an upgrade over the H8K1 with more powerful engines, slightly revised armament, and an increase in fuel capacity. This was to be the definitive variant, with 112 produced. 36 examples of a dedicated transport version, the H8K2-L, were also built, capable of carrying 62 troops. This aircraft was also known as Seikū (晴空, "Clear ...
二式大艇的故事 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
为了运输人员物资,海军还要求川西对二式大艇进行改造,这种改造运输型被称为“ 晴空”三二型 (h8k2-l),共生产了36架。在1944年3月31日发生的“海军乙事件”中(甲事件是山本长官战死),时任联合舰队司令长官的古贺峰一大将认为美军即将接近,紧急欲 ...
H8K2 - War Thunder Wiki
The H8K2, designated as the Type 2 Large Flying Boat, Model 12 (二式飛行艇一二型), was the successor to the earlier H6K, boasting an incredible 7,400 km range over the already record-breaking 5,000 km of the H6K, along with an extra boost in speed. This extended range gave it a 50% advantage over the B-17 and G4M and a 30% lead over the B-29.
H8K2 - War Thunder Wiki
The H8K2 was a variant of the Kawanishi H8K family of flying boats used by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The H8K was remarkably versatile and called "the most outstanding water-based combat aircraft of the Second World War" by aviation historian René Francillon.
h8k/2式 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月24日 · 它是川西航空机工厂九七式飞行艇的后继机,于1941年(昭和16年)首飞,机型号为“H8K”,在装备有往复式发动机的飞艇之中本机是性能最强的。 该机种也通称二式大艇或二式大型飞行艇,并被美军赋予“Emily”的代号。 之后衍生开发的运输型,则命名为晴空。 h8k/2式. (1)机炮:5 × 20 mm 99式机炮 (头、背、尾和两侧); 5 × 7.7 mm (.303 in) 97式机枪于机身枪口。 (2)炸弹: 2 × 800 kg (1,764 lb) 鱼雷或1,000 kg (2,205 lb) 深水炸弹。
Kawanishi H8K Type 2 “Emily” - Pacific Eagles
2016年12月21日 · Four powerful Mitsubishi Kinsei engines could drive the big bomber along at over 275mph, much faster than the older aircraft. The H8K could carry two torpedoes or up to 1.000kg of bombs. The initial prototypes struggled with poor on-water characteristics, with spray being thrown up into the engines.
Kawanishi H8K "Emily" - Aviation History
The Kawanishi H8K flying boat (Allied code name "Emily") was an all-metal, four-engine, large-size, Type 2 Flying Boat used by the Imperial Japanese Navy and was considered to be the best flying boat of World War II.
川西 H8K “晴空”武士们的水上“二式”大艇 - 网易
2024年3月9日 · h8k2 型成为九七式飞艇中最多的型号,共生产了 122 架。 该型飞艇拥有当时所有水上飞机中最强大的防御火力,令美军飞行员不得不敬畏。 由于 H8K2 型的生存能力大幅提升,即使在被美军战斗机攻击后,也能继续飞行。
Kawanishi H6K “Mavis” and H8K “Emily” Units
2024年12月23日 · Resuming limited flight tests, the aircraft revealed it had an impressive top speed of 290 mph. Assigned to the Smithsonian Institution, the H8K2 was placed in long-term storage at Naval Air...
History Development Kawanishi H8K | War Thunder Wiki
2024年12月16日 · The H8K2 became known for being the most heavily defended and fastest flying boat of its time, earning the respect of Allied fighter pilots who found it difficult to shoot down. A captured Japanese Kawanishi H8K taking off at the U.S. Navy Naval Air Test Center at Patuxent River, Maryland, United States in 1946–47.