苹果AirPods Pro 2升级!FDA认证首款OTC助听器软件,听力革命 …
2024年9月13日 · 据悉,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)已批准首款与兼容版本Apple AirPods Pro耳机配合使用的非处方(OTC)助听器软件设备——Hearing Aid Feature(HAF)。 这款软件设备的推出,标志着苹果在健康科技领域的又一重要突破。
FDA Authorizes First Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Software
The Hearing Aid Feature (HAF) is a software-only mobile medical application that is intended to be used with compatible versions of the AirPods Pro. The HAF...
耳机跨界,AirPods可充当助听器 - 腾讯网
2024年9月16日 · 9月12日,美国FDA批准了首款非处方 (OTC) 助听器软件设备 Hearing Aid Feature (HAF)。 HAF用于安装至Apple AirPods Pro耳机上,并根据用户的听力需求进行定制后用作助听器,为18岁或以上患有轻度至中度听力障碍的个人放大声音。 HAF是一款纯软件移动医疗应用程序,由Apple公司开发,与兼容版本的AirPods Pro一起使用;使用自适应策略,用户可在没有专业人员帮助的情况下对其进行调整以满足听力需求。 AirPods Pro助听器功能。 图片来 …
The Hearing Aid Feature utilizes a self-fitting strategy and is adjusted by the user to meet their hearing needs without the assistance of a hearing healthcare professional.
首款非處方助聽器軟體!FDA批准蘋果AirPods Pro當助聽器
2024年9月13日 · 在日前蘋果(Apple)發表會宣布進軍助聽器領域後,美國時間12日,美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)宣布,批准Apple AirPods Pro耳機兼容的助聽器軟體Hearing Aid Feature(HAF),幫助18歲以上患有輕至中度聽力障礙的使用者放大聲音,該助聽器功能將作為Apple AirPods Pro 2的免 …
Apple's New OTC Hearing Aid Mode for AirPods Pro ... - Hearing …
The US Food and Drug Administration announced that it has granted marketing authorization for the first over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid software, Apple's Hearing Aid Feature (HAF), for use with Apple AirPods Pro 2 earbuds and other compatible headphones.
美國FDA批准蘋果AirPods Pro的助聽器功能 - iThome
2024年9月13日 · 儘管蘋果已於本周稍早發表了AirPods Pro 2的助聽器功能,但FDA解釋,此次通過的助聽器功能(Hearing Aid Feature,HAF)是個純軟體的行動醫療應用程式,可與相容的AirPods Pro一起使用,它採用自適應(self-fitting)策略,讓使用者在沒有聽力專家的協助下進行 …
The Hearing Aid Feature (HAF) is a software-only device that is comprised of a pair of software modules which operate on two separate required products:...
Hearing Aid Feature in AirPods Pro 2 Explained – Dr. White, AuD
2024年10月16日 · In summary, HAF in AirPods Pro 2 offers promising results, making hearing assistance more accessible while advising professional consultation when needed. This innovative feature could revolutionize the way individuals manage their hearing health, offering a convenient and effective solution right from their phones.
FDA Clears OTC Hearing Aid Software for Apple AirPods Pro
2024年9月12日 · The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the Hearing Aid Feature (HAF), the first over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid software intended for use with compatible versions of the Apple ...
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