等离子体刻蚀工艺中的OES监控技术-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊 …
摘要 采用光学发射光谱(OES)原位检测技术,对等离子体刻蚀机中的等离子体状态进行实时监控,讨论了其在故障诊断、分类、刻蚀终点的判断及控制方面的应用。实验平台为在新研发的高密度等离子体刻蚀机,采用化学气体HBr/Cl2为刻蚀气...
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Optical emission spectroscopy study of plasma parameters in low ...
2022年11月1日 · Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) has become a non-intrusive and versatile method for plasma parameters determination. Each spectral line in emission spectroscopy corresponds to an optical transition between two quantum levels of atom/molecule. The spectral line intensities are controlled by densities of species in various upper states.
Optical emission spectra of Cl 2 plasma at 4 mTorr at
The good performance of etch rate, surface roughness and low plasma damage suggested that HBr-Ar plasma is the best choice for TiSbTe etching compared with HBr-He, N2 and O2 plasma.
Real-Time Plasma Process Condition Sensing and Abnormal …
OES is an in-situ sensor for plasma process monitoring, which does not interfere with the plasma. The plasma emission lights have rich information about the plasma species, which can be used to monitor the etching rate, uniformity, selectivity, critical dimensions, and even the profile of etching features on a wafer.
• Make the HBr Si etch in the Oxford Cobra ICP the premier nanophotonics etch process (especially with the enhanced SOI process capability). • Wish list: a dedicated photomask ICP etch system for high resolution ASML DUV masks.
How to monitor chamber conditions? 1. optical emission spectroscopy (OES): real time, run-to-run. 2. FTIR (most of us don’t have this as a practical option). 3. XPS (quasi-in-situ, multi-chamber system). • The “Gap Technique” to simulate sample, …
OES endpoint involves analysis of the light spectrum emitted from a plasma during an etch process. Plasma reactions result in discrete emission peaks dependent on the reactant chemistry in the chamber. Isolating emission peaks and recording the intensity over time allows for detection of a change of state in the process chamber.
Relative optical emission intensity ratio of the SiBr to the He in the ...
Variation of etch rates and linewidths due to various seasoning methods after plasma cleaning of an etch chamber in a poly-Si/oxide (SiO2) etching process are studied. An HBr/O2 based inductively...
哈佛商业评论 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年8月21日 · 哈佛商业评论 (英文:Harvard Business Review;简称:HBR)是自1922年起,由 哈佛商学院 集结专家、教授,针对管理事务的研究而出版的专业杂志。 HBR是一份专门提供予专业经理人及工商管理者参考的月刊,其主要读者群是产业领袖、学者、高阶管理者及管理顾问等。 HBR除了集结管理学学者的综合评论,也经常为其他管理学界的著名思想家,如 克雷顿‧克里斯汀生 、 彼得·杜拉克 、 麦可·波特 、 罗莎贝·摩丝·肯特 、 加里·哈默尔 、 普哈拉 、Robert …