2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane - Wikipedia
2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane or HCFC-123 is considered as an alternative to CFC-11 in low pressure refrigeration and HVAC systems, and should not be used in foam blowing processes or solvent applications. It is also the primary component of the Halotron I fire-extinguishing mixture.
As we near 2030, when import of virgin HCFC-123 will be phased out, reclaimed HCFC-123 will be important to ensure there is sufficient supply. How should refrigerant be managed when an appliance is retired or replaced?
HCFC-123 is a viable replacement for CFC-11 as a refrigerant and as a heat-transfer fluid. Because HCFC-123 has an allowable exposure limit (AEL) of 50 ppm, its use is limited to applications where it can be effectively contained within the operating equipment.
US Management of HCFC-123 | US EPA - U.S. Environmental …
2024年11月5日 · Learn more about the United States strategy for management of HCFC-123. US Management of HCFC-123 (pdf) (287.88 KB)
Halocarbon R-123 (1,1-Dichloro-2,2,2,-Trifluoroethane) Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a risk the assessment indicates a higher degree of protection: safety glasses with side-
2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane | CHCl2CF3 - PubChem
P450 activates HCFC-123, both oxidatively and reductively, to reactive species which attack P450 itself and also damage other targets leading to hepatotoxicity.
Freon™ 123 (R-123) Refrigerant | Freon™ Refrigerants
Freon™ 123 refrigerant is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) replacement for the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) R-11 in centrifugal chillers. Benefits of using Freon™ 123 include: Low ozone depletion and excellent environmental properties; Proven R-11 replacement in chiller systems worldwide; OEM acceptance
In an HCFC-123 manufacturing plant in Canada, two operators monitored over 165-480 min on 4 separate days had time-weighted breathing-zone levels of HCFC-123 ranging from 1.16 to 8.94 ppm (7.25 to 55.9 mg/m 3).
2018年4月18日 · HCFC-123 and HCFC-124 Production, Consumption, and Use AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice of Data Availability. SUMMARY: Today’s notice announces the availability of The U.S. Phaseout of HCFCs: Projected Servicing Demand in the U.S. Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Fire Suppression Sectors (2020-2030).
1,1-Dichloro-2,2,2-Trifluoroethane (HCFC-123) (Third edition) - US …
2025年3月9日 · According to the 1992 Copenhagen Amendment to the Montreal Protocol HCFC-123 and other hydrochlorofluorocarbons are to be virtually phased out by 2020. HCFC-123 may be released to the environment as a fugitive emission during production or use.