日压端子(上海)有限公司 - JST-Purple
HCH Connector yes 我们集团专注于连接技术领域,包括但不限于连接器、压着端子等。
HCH Connector | JST Sales America
2.54mm pitch, 0.64 unsealed connector for automotive corresponding to the surface mounting. To purchase this product, find a distributor or representative in your area. You can also request a free sample. If you have questions, call (800) 947-1110.
SM04B-HCHK-TB (LF)(SN) JST Automotive | Mouser - 贸泽
JST Automotive Connectors HCH Board-to-Wire Connector is a 2.54mm pitch, 0.64 unsealed automotive connector. HCH Connector features a miniaturized surface-mount design. Using the proven female terminal ensures high reliability in automotive electrical equipment.
JST压着端子 HCH connector_中文规格_原装销售-接插世界网
2024年6月27日 · HCH Connector yes 版权声明: 部分文章信息来源于网络以及网友投稿,本网站只负责对文章进行整理、排版、编辑,是出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性,如本站文章和转稿涉及版权等问题,请作者在及时联系本站,我们会尽快 ...
SM09B-HCHK-TB(LF)(SN) - 引脚针座, 线至板, 2.54 mm, 1 排, 9 触点, 通孔直角, HCH
购买 SM09B-HCHK-TB(LF)(SN) - Jst (japan Solderless Terminals) - 引脚针座, 线至板, 2.54 mm, 1 排, 9 触点, 通孔直角, HCH。e络盟 专属优惠、当天发货、快速交付、海量库存、数据手册和技术支持。
The Harvard Club of Hong Kong Education Fund
From its humble origins as an initiative of the Harvard Club of Hong Kong (“HCHK”) as the Harvard Prize Book in Hong Kong, over the years the Education Fund has awarded over 5,600 prize books and certificates, provided over HKD 2 million scholarship funding, and connected over 110 mentees and 80 mentors to cultivate young citizen leaders ...
SM09B-HCHK-TB(LF)(SN) - Newark Electronics
buy sm09b-hchk-tb(lf)(sn) - jst (japan solderless terminals) - connector, header, 9pos, 1row, 2.54mm. Newark Electronics offers fast quotes, same day dispatch, fast delivery, wide inventory, datasheets & technical support.
2.54mm pitch, 0.64 unsealed connector for automotive corresponding to the surface mounting. Using the short length female terminal, the miniaturization is realized. Corresponding to the surface mounting (lead-free), mounting workability is improved. High reliability ensures by using proven female terminal in the automotive electrical equipment.
JST 自動車用コネクタ 4極 オス HCHコネクタ, SM04B-HCHK …
JST 自動車用コネクタ 4極 オス HCHコネクタ, SM04B-HCHK-TB (LF) (SN) 、その他自動車用コネクタを電子部品・半導体の通販/販売サイト RSオンラインから最短翌営業日にお届けします。
SM04B-HCHK-TB (LF)(SN) JST Automotive | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
5 天之前 · HCH Connector features a miniaturized surface-mount design. Using the proven female terminal ensures high reliability in automotive electrical equipment. This JST connector features a 5A AC, DC current rating, and a voltage rating of 50V AC, DC.