Hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E1 - Wikipedia
E1 is one of two subunits of the envelope glycoprotein [1] found in the hepatitis C virus. [2][3] The other subunit is E2. This protein is a type 1 transmembrane protein with a highly glycosylated N-terminal ectodomain and a C-terminal hydrophobic anchor.
Structure of the hepatitis C virus E1E2 glycoprotein complex
2022年10月20日 · Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a leading cause of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma in humans and afflicts more than 58 million people worldwide. The HCV envelope E1 and E2 glycoproteins are essential for viral entry and comprise the primary antigenic target for neutralizing antibody responses.
The hepatitis C virus envelope protein complex is a dimer of ...
2024年9月4日 · Fifty-eight million individuals worldwide are affected by chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, a primary driver of liver cancer for which no vaccine is available 1. The HCV envelope...
Hepatitis C virus E1 and modified E2 delivered from an mRNA …
2023年3月18日 · Vaccination with a mRNA-LNP expressing soluble E1 (sE1) significantly reduced vv/HCV titer in the mouse ovary. However, the addition of sE2 mRNA-LNP for immunization impaired the efficacy of...
E1 - HCV Proteins - Hepatitis C Online
The E1 protein plays a role in multiple steps in the HCV replication cycle, including attachment to the host cell, endosome-lipid membrane fusion, and assembly. The role for E1 in attachment may involve binding to host apoproteins or possibly CD36.
Nature | 王开拓等解析丙肝病毒HCV表面糖蛋白E1/E2高阶复合物结 …
2024年9月5日 · 这项工作解析了首个丙肝病毒hcv表面糖蛋白e1/e2的高阶复合物冷冻电镜结构。研究结果表明,体外纯化的hcv e1/e2形成了二聚体组装形式,而非其他包膜病毒常见的三聚体结构。
丙型肝炎病毒 (hepatitis C virus, HCV)的分子病毒学—一个基因 …
hcv是一个由脂膜包裹的正链rna病毒。来源于宿主细胞膜的病毒包膜上整合有病毒编码的包膜蛋白e1和e2。被这层膜包裹的是结合有hcv核心蛋白的rna基因组。这个看似简单的病毒如今已是人类健康的大敌。 hcv是慢性肝炎的主要致病因子。
Structure of the hepatitis C virus E1E2 glycoprotein complex
2022年10月21日 · The HCV envelope E1 and E2 glycoproteins are essential for viral entry and comprise the primary antigenic target for neutralizing antibody responses. The molecular mechanisms of E1E2 assembly, as well as how the E1E2 heterodimer binds broadly neutralizing antibodies, remain elusive.
HCV Glycoproteins: Assembly of a Functional E1–E2 Heterodimer ...
The two HCV envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2 are released from HCV polyprotein by signal peptidase cleavages. These glycoproteins are type I transmembrane proteins with a highly glycosylated N-terminal ectodomain and a C-terminal hydrophobic anchor.
Science | 有效的HCV疫苗离我们还有多远——揭示E1E2复合物结 …
2022年11月8日 · HCV的基因组所编码的糖蛋白经蛋白酶加工后,可以最终形成3种结构蛋白和7种非结构蛋白,包膜糖蛋白E1和E2即属于结构蛋白,二者以异源二聚体的形式存在。 其中,E2含有受体结合结构域,能结合清道夫受体B1或四次穿膜蛋白CD81,E1含有假定的融合肽 (putative fusion peptide, pFP),介导病毒与宿主细胞的膜融合3。 由于E1E2是位于病毒表面唯一的蛋白2,因而成为疫苗作用的主要潜在靶点,但由于构象的不均一以及糖基化的广泛存在,目前关 …