Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection with interferon and small ...
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remains a threat to global public health. Treatment with pegylated interferon (IFN) plus ribavirin leads to a sustained virologic response in about 50% of patients. New therapies using direct antiviral agents have the potential to cure patients unresponsive to IFN-based therapies.
25 years of interferon-based treatment of chronic hepatitis C
2013年6月7日 · For the past 25 years, recombinant interferon-α (IFNα) has been the main component of treatments for HCV infection. Treatment efficacy has shown a stepwise improvement...
Mechanisms of Action of Interferon and Ribavirin in Chronic Hepatitis C …
Cell culture and animal models of HCV have shown that the infection itself may block IFN- α induction and action. Still other findings suggest that individual innate and adaptive immune responses, host genetic factors, viral genetic diversity, and clinical comorbidities account for part of nonresponse to therapy.
Current therapeutics against HCV - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
Like other interferons, IFN-λ can be produced by non-parenchymal cells and which leads to the escape from HCV induced attenuation of type I IFN production in HCV infected patients. However, HCV can persist in presence of the immune response by …
Interferon Response in Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Hepatocytes
2020年4月8日 · Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus that affects over 71 million people in the global population. Hepatocytes infected with HCV produce types I and III IFNs. These endogenous IFNs upregulate a set of ISGs that negatively impact the outcome of pegylated IFN-α and ribavirin treatments, which were previously ...
Interferon-lambda and therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus …
Interferon (IFN)-α, a type-I IFN, is widely used to treat chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, but the broad expression of IFN-α receptors often leads to adverse reactions in many organs. Here, we examine IFN-λ, a type-III IFN, as a therapeutic alternative to IFN-α.
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Core Protein-Induced, Monocyte …
2006年11月15日 · Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) 3 becomes chronic in most cases (50–80%) and causes liver damage ranging from mild inflammation to cirrhosis ().IFN-α in combination with ribavirin is currently the most effective treatment for patients with hepatitis C infection (1, 2).The broad repertoire of the biological effects of IFN-α include, but are not limited to, direct inhibition of viral ...
HCV infection, IFN response and the coding and non-coding …
2016年1月2日 · To counteract the antiviral role of the IFN response, HCV has evolved to block IFN induction and to interfere with the action of several antiviral factors. A key component of the HCV innate immune evasion strategy is the viral NS3-NS4A protease (Fig. 2).
Recent advances in the anti-HCV mechanisms of interferon
2014年8月1日 · In this report, we review current progress in understanding the mechanisms of IFN against HCV, and also summarize the knowledge of induction of interferon signaling by HCV infection.
Role of Interferons in Chronic Hepatitis C Infection - PubMed
It is known that the production of and/or response to interferon (IFN) are deregulated during chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In particular, several studies have shown that patients with chronic HCV infection who have a high natural …