Role of low-density lipoprotein receptor in the hepatitis C
Here, we reinvestigated the role of the LDLR in the HCV life cycle by comparing virus entry to the mechanism of lipoprotein uptake. A small interfering RNA targeting the LDLR in Huh-7 cells reduced HCV infectivity, confirming that this receptor plays a role in the life cycle of HCV generated in cell culture.
Hepatitis C virus relies on lipoproteins for its life cycle
2016年2月2日 · Following the initial binding of hepatitis C virus (HCV) to glycosaminoglycans present on heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), to low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), to scavenger receptor class B type 1 (SR-BI) and to CD81, the viral particles utilize different proteins, such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), Ras, Rho ephrin ...
Hepatitis C Virus Stimulates Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor ...
2014年3月1日 · We demonstrate that HCV stimulates LDLR expression in both HCV-infected Huh7 cells and in liver tissue from chronic hepatitis C patients. Fluorescence activated cell sorting and immunofluorescence analysis revealed enhanced cell surface and total expression of LDLR in HCV-infected cells.
Hepatitis C Virus, Cholesterol and Lipoproteins — Impact for …
One of the first identified HCV entry factors was LDL receptor (LDLr), by detecting HCV RNA taken up by the hepatoma line HepG2 . The identification of this HCV receptor is controversial since these cells are now known to be incapable of sustaining HCV replication, and whether LDLr is involved in HCV entry or a later step in HCV infection is ...
The low-density lipoprotein receptor plays a role in the ... - PubMed
In hepatocytes pre-treated with squalestatin or 25-hydroxycholesterol before infection, viral RNA accumulation increased or decreased in parallel with LDLR mRNA expression and LDL entry. Conclusions: LDLR is involved at an early stage in infection of normal human hepatocytes by serum-derived HCV virions.
Hepatitis C virus stimulates low-density lipoprotein receptor ...
In this study, we investigated the effect of HCV on LDLR expression and the underlying mechanism triggered by the virus to modulate LDLR expression. Our observations suggest that HCV upregulates LDLR expression at both the protein and the transcript levels and that this upregulation likely contributes toward the uptake of serum lipids by ...
Lipoprotein Receptors Redundantly Participate in Entry of Hepatitis C …
Scavenger receptor class B type 1 (SR-B1) and low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) are known to be involved in entry of hepatitis C virus (HCV), but their precise roles and their interplay are not fully understood. In this study, deficiency of ...
Hepatitis C virus-apolipoprotein interactions: molecular …
ApoE facilitates HCV entry by interacting with several receptors (HSPG, LDLR, SR-BI), participates to HCV morphogenesis and LVP maturation, and helps the virus escape immune responses. A human ApoE derived-peptide, was shown to specifically block both HCVcc and patients-derived HCV binding on hepatoma cells and primary human hepatocytes [ 58 ...
The low-density lipoprotein receptor plays a role in the infection of ...
2007年3月1日 · In this work, we have used primary cultures of highly differentiated normal human hepatocytes infected with serum-derived HCV to evaluate the role of LDLR in virus entry. This cellular model closely mimics the physiological situation.
Characterization of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and HCV E2 …
In three independent experiments, HCV binding correlated with LDLr expression, resulting in up to a twofold increase in HCV binding to cells with high levels of LDLr. In contrast to whole virus, the viral envelope glycoprotein E2 bound more efficiently to cells and did not vary significantly in relation to LDLr expression.