Dashboard - Housing and Development Board
This is your step-by-step platform to apply for an HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) Letter and buy an HDB flat, or sell your flat.
Housing & Development Board (HDB)
HDB Flat Portal. Apply for an HDB Flat Eligibility letter to get started on your home purchase journey, and use our financial calculators to plan your flat purchase.
HDB | List of e-Services
Get the information you need for any business involving HDB homes, properties, commercial spaces, or land under our management. You can find out more about the types of HDB car …
Housing and Development Act 1959 - Singapore Statutes Online
An Act to constitute a Housing and Development Board for Singapore. 1. This Act is the Housing and Development Act 1959. 2.— (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Housing and Development Board - Wikipedia
The Housing & Development Board (HDB; often referred to as the Housing Board), is a statutory board under the Ministry of National Development responsible for the public housing in Singapore.
建屋發展局 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
建屋發展局(英語: Housing and Development Board ,簡稱:HDB;馬來語: Lembaga Pembangunan dan Perumahan ;坦米爾語: வீடமைப்பு வளர்ச்சிக் கழகம் ),是新加坡国家发展部下轄的法定機構,接替 改良信託局 ( 英语 : Singapore Improvement Trust ...
开源工具包 / 华为HDBInterface驱动下载 - GitCode
HDB Interface驱动是华为设备与计算机之间进行高速数据传输的重要组件,确保设备与计算机之间的稳定连接和高效数据交换。 开源工具包 / 华为HDBInterface驱动下载
Organisation Structure - HDB
The current HDB Board Chairperson and Members. Find out HDB’s organisation structure and work functions from our Organisation Chart.
HDB | Application - Housing & Development Board
HDB will waive the non-selection count for applicants with 10 or fewer BTO flats to choose from; or 5 or fewer SBF flats to choose from. HDB flats are heavily subsidised and in demand. We strongly encourage flat applicants to consider carefully before they apply for a new flat, and book a flat when they are able to do so.
HDB-DA 直流电流变送器-B系列电量变送器-上海三响电力仪表有 …
2025年1月14日 · 产品型号:HDB-DA. 产品功效:电量变送器是一种将被测量参数按线性比例转换成特定的电量参数的测量仪表。 电量变送器的被测量参数包括 交流电流、交流电压、有功功率、无功功率、有功电能、无功电能、频率、相位、功率因数、直流电压、直流电流等。 发布时间:2025-01-14. 产品描述:
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