I have an HDL Cholesterol level of 75, which on the test is stated as ...
د. Nisrine Makarem Mahmoud answered: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is often called “good” cholesterol. It removes cholesterol from the bloodstream and hence protects against coronary …
HDL cholesterol - eTobb
HDL cholesterol. eTobb allows users to ask health related questions and get answers from top doctors for free.
Dr Shammas, my usual HR is 75 bpm,however when i want to take …
Dr. Rony Shammas answered: Anxiety can increase both heart rate and BP. This is more common when the BP is measured at the doctor's office when the readings in some patients …
What is the price of merional 75 in lebanon? | eTobb
Dr. Rania Mousa answered: Merional 75 price is 229,000 LL in Lebanon .
How can i improve the good cholesterol? it is always low and i …
د. Thierry Yazbek answered: HDL-C Raising Strategies: -aerobic exercise ( The greater durations of cardiovascular exercise elicit impressive improvement of HDL-C levels). -Diet: diet low in …
Should we take omega 3 daily? does it cause fatness? | eTobb
Dr. Rania Mousa answered: Actually Omega 3 increases HDL (high density cholesterol) this HDL is what people called the good cholesterol or the cholesterol that protect from heart disease …
I am 75 y old i can't sleep at night because the problems of the …
Dr. Georges Karam answered: This is a symptom of anxiety. If this is the only symptom, there are several ways to overcome that. One way would be to exercise regularly, another way is yoga …
My daughter is 18 and she has ovarian cysts that caused her to be ...
Dr. Rania Mousa answered: it is obvious case of PCOS, DIAN35 will regulate her period ,discuss with your doctor adding metformin to her because PCOS has insuline resistance compound. …
My husband is 75 years old . He has a silent stone 1.7cm in the …
Dr. Nehme Raad answered: A stone more than 1 cm in the upper pole of the kidney must be removed.Otherwise, it might get progressively bigger over time.The best less invasive way to …
Does avocado have any side effects on diabetes and cholesterol?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi answered: Avocados are full of benefits to both healthy individuals and individuals with diabetes and high blood cholesterol. 1- Although avocado is high in fat (around …