DSC curves of four kinds of polyethylene. (Low-density …
It can be seen from Table 1 that the crystallinity of the four kinds of polyethylene is different, the crystallinity of LDPE is the lowest, the crystallinity of HDPE is the highest, and the...
DSC curve for sample-1 (High Density Polyethylene)
Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) was used for measuring the melting temperature (T m ), and the melting enthalpy (ΔH m ) of LDPE/propolis blended films on a DSC device (METTLER TOLEDO ...
Accurate determination of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene …
2024年2月1日 · Overall, by training a PLS model on a total of 145 DSC thermograms, an inexpensive and accurate method is obtained which can predict the LLDPE, LDPE, HDPE, and PP content in polymer blends. The model's accuracy surpasses the precision of known literature methods and, unlike these previously developed methodologies, even allows the estimation of ...
DSC法测定聚乙烯结晶度的研究 - 百度文库
通过用调制式 DSC ( MDSC) 对样品在较宽温度范围内热容的测定, 证 实了 PE 结晶度对温度的依赖性, 并提出了在分析讨论 测量 PE 结晶度的数据时, 必须精确测定其所处环境温 度的观点。 它要求从. 已明显发生。 由此可以证实测定 LDP E 结晶度时, T 温度应该选在比 H DPE 更低的温度区域里 。 表 2 为用实测法得到的三种 PE 的结晶度随 T 1 温 度的 变 化 数 据, 每种 P E 均 抽 样 测 定 3 组, 分 别 为 T - 1 、 - 2 、 - 3 。 从表 中可以看出所有 PE 的 T T 结晶 度均 随 T 1 温 度的 升 …
DSC thermogram of HDPE pipe samples - ResearchGate
To investigate changes in the physical and chemical properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) upon the rapid release of hydrogen gas at a pressure of 90 MPa, several characterization...
Polyethylene HDPE. The present study has as main objective to analyze parameters of the crystallization temperature (Tc),% of crystallinity, melting temperature (Tm) and variation of the enthalpy of fusion (), through an experiment performed by a DSC machine, and thermograms developed with the OriginLabTM software version 8.5.
Temperature (DSC) The melting point and crystallization temperature of polyethylene can be measured with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The melting point is represented by the melting peak temperature in the DSC curve and can be used in qualitative analysis. It is also an indicator of the lowest temperature during molding processing.
DSC法测定聚乙烯结晶度的研究 - 豆丁网
2013年8月22日 · dsc(mdsc)对样品在较宽温度范围内热容的测定,证 实了PE结晶度对温度的依赖性,并提出了在分析讨论 测量PE结晶度的数据时,必须精确测定其所处环境温
2017年9月11日 · 差示扫描量热 Heat一热量;Height一峰高) 法 (DSC)检测全密度聚乙烯的熔融温度、结晶 温度、热焓以及结晶度,操作快捷方便,重复性好, 图5以温度为横坐标的DSC曲线图 试样制备简单,且仅需少量样品。
2016年1月12日 · 前文“ 就聚 台物 的热 物 理性 能及测定方法进行过简要的介绍和讨论,本 工作拟 应 用 dsc来 测 量 高 密 度 聚 乙 烯 (hdpe)的熔融 热墙 及其结 晶度 . 2、实 睑 ’ f 2.1试样材料 本工作选用4种高密度聚 乙烯作为试样.