双电荷离子He2+与Ne,Ar原子碰撞中的激发态 - 物理学报
最稳定的元素 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年7月26日 · 从原子核对电子的吸引能力来看,He的 核电荷数 是2,而Ne的是10,是He的5倍,其他4个稀有气体元素的核电荷数递增倍数都不超过2。而Ne只比He多1个电子层,原子核对电子的吸引力比He要强,更不容易失去电子。
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters - ACS Publications
6 天之前 · The dimer 4 He 20 Ne is detected roughly 10 times more often than the isotope-substituted dimer 4 He 22 Ne due to the difference in the natural abundance of the isotopes 20 Ne and 22 Ne. ... Ground state potential energy curves for He2, Ne2, Ar2, He-Ne, He-Ar, and Ne-Ar: A coupled-cluster study. Cybulski, Slawomir M.; Toczylowski, Rafal R.
The emission spectra in collision process between He2+ and Ne, Ar have been measured using optical methods, by Optical Multichannel Analysis. System. The experimental results demonstrate that there are three channels of excitation in these collision systems: double-electron capture into excited states, single-electron capture into excited ...
He2+ collisions with Ne and Ar atoms into excited states
1989年5月1日 · Emission cross sections of HeI, HeII, NeI, NeII, and ArI, ArII have been obtained. Some comparisons of emission cross sections between He 2+ + Ne and He 2+ + Ar are given.
低能He2+、O6+离子与Ne碰撞中的态分辨电荷转移研究.docx-原 …
2025年2月25日 · 本研究表明,低能He2+、O6+离子与Ne原子碰撞中的态分辨电荷转移现象受到多种因素的影响。 其中,Ne原子的电子态对电荷转移的机制具有重要影响。 此外,离子的能量、速度以及离子的种类等因素也会影响电荷转移的概率和机制。
Scattering of low energy He2+ ions by Ne, Ar, and Kr atoms
1975年8月1日 · Experimental studies of collisions of He 2+ ions with Ne, Ar, and Kr atoms have been carried out at laboratory kinetic energies in the range 8 ⩽ E1 ⩽ 10 eV. For each collision pair, relative differential cross sections for elastic scattering, and for the formation of He + by single charge transfer [e.g., He 2+ + R = He + + (R +) *] were measured.
如何理解H2+这种离子? - 知乎
2018年2月7日 · He2这两个He原子在1s轨道上本来就已经有一对自旋相反的电子, 如果要组成分子, 成键轨道与反键轨道都恰好被占据, 两者能量就被抵消, BO=0, 不能成键. 而He2+由于失去了一个电子, 两个电子在成键轨道,一个电子在反键轨道, BO=1/2, 故能存在.这里形成的Sigma键也叫 三 ...
复旦大学最新研究:He2+–He和Ne8+–O2,N2,CH4碰撞中绝对 …
Scattering of low energy He2+ ions by Ne, Ar, and Kr …
Experimental studies of collisions of He2+ ions with Ne, Ar, and Kr atoms have been carried out at laboratory kinetic energies in the range 8 ⩽ E1 ⩽ 10 eV. For each collision pair, relative differential cross sections for elastic scattering, and for the formation of He+ by single charge transfer [e.g., He2+ + R = He+ + (R+)*] were measured.