From high-entropy alloys to high-entropy ceramics: The radiation ...
2023年5月15日 · The radiation resistance of a nanocrystalline refractory HEC is herein assessed using heavy ion irradiation with in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with the focus of detecting possible morphological changes such as grain growth and/or phase transformations, local chemical instabilities like RIS and/or precipitation (RIP) and inert ...
我院轻质复合材料团队在髙熵陶瓷及性能研究方面取得最新研究成 …
2024年11月8日 · 高熵陶瓷(hec)作为一种新型材料,因其可调的组成和“鸡尾酒效应”而被广泛关注。 高熵陶瓷具有优异的吸波性能,吸引了大量研究,然而其合成温度高和介电损耗机理不明确等问题仍然限制了其进一步应用。
Monocyte-selective transendothelial migration: dissection of the ...
1992年9月9日 · We describe a quantitative assay of transendothelial migration (TEM) that allows us to selectively study the interaction of monocytes with confluent human endothelial cell (HEC) monolayers.
Novel refractory high-entropy metal-ceramic composites with …
2024年2月1日 · Novel refractory high-entropy metal-ceramic composites (HEMCC) is developed by powder metallurgy. The first HEMCC system, TiTaNbZr- (TiTaNbZr)C, contains BCC HEA and rock-salt HEC phases with non-equimolar compositions. Optimized mechanical performance is attributed to ductile HEA and strong HEC phases and crack arrest at their interfaces.
Teams | HEC Montréal
Teams est une application de collaboration et de vidéoconférence optionnelle. Puisque son utilisation n’est pas systématique, il s’agit d’un outil moins connu de la communauté étudiante. …
Single-phase (Hf-Mo-Nb-Ta-Ti)C high-entropy ceramic: A …
2021年5月1日 · The microstructure of the HEC ceramic at nano-scale were conducted on a FEI Tecnai F20 transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 200 kV working voltage. The element chemical states of the worn surface were analyzed by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, ESCALAB 250Xi) using monochromatic Al-Kα radiation (HV = 1486.8 eV).
Microstructural evolution under heavy ion irradiation with in situ TEM …
HEA films under heavy-ion irradiation at 573 K was monitored in situ in a Hitachi H-9500 TEM. Fig. 3A-D shows the microstructure of the HEC under Bright-Field TEM (BFTEM) condition from its...
TEM、HRTEM、STEM——透射电子显微镜的三驾马车 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年6月29日 · 几乎任何与材料相关的领域都要用到透射电镜,而最常用的三大透射电镜是:普通透射电子显微镜(tem)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(hrtem)和扫描透射电子显微镜(stem)。
1 hectares em metros quadrados (ha → m²) - Conversor de Medidas
Existem 10000 metros quadrados em 1 hectare. Para transformar qualquer valor de hectares para metros quadrados, basta multiplicar o valor em hectares pelo fator multiplicador, conhecido também como fator de conversão que, neste caso, é igual a 10000. Assim, 1 hectare vezes 10000 corresponde a 10000 metros quadrados.
2024年9月18日 · 本文将重点介绍普通tem、高分辨tem(hrtem)和扫描透射电子显微镜(stem,特别是haadf-stem)这三种模式,并探讨它们在实际研究中的应用。 普通tem在材料形貌观察中的应用 普通tem是最常见的透射电镜模式,主要用于观察材料的微观形貌和结构。