Welcome | HEC Paris
PARIS is the Center on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society created by Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) and HEC Paris and joined by Inria (Centre Inria de Saclay).
Master's programs - HEC Paris
Kick-start your international career with a Master's degree with a top-ranked Business School. Led by expert researchers and senior-level practitioners, HEC Paris offers a diverse range of world-leading Master’s programs in management that you can tailor to your specific needs.
HEC Paris - Wikipedia
HEC Paris (French: École des hautes études commerciales de Paris, lit. 'Paris School of Advanced Business Studies') is a business school and grande école located in Jouy-en-Josas, a southwestern outer suburb of Paris, France.
Find your program - HEC Paris
Find the HEC program that is right for you, using Program Finder tool.
Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne) - UNIL
The Center for Risk Management Lausanne (CRML) at HEC Lausanne (UNIL) highlights the sustainability challenges facing Swiss real estate investment vehicles (REIVs) in its new white paper with E4S. The study covers more than 20,000 buildings, representing almost CHF 200 billion in assets under management, across 136 portfolios.
Faculté des HEC (HEC Lausanne) - HEC UNIL - UNIL | Université …
Découvrez celles et ceux de la communauté HEC Lausanne (UNIL) - étudiant·e·s, chercheuses et chercheurs, enseignant·e·s ou membres du personnel - qui ont été mis à l'honneur ou dont le succès a été célébré récemment. Projection de "Outgrow the System" et table ronde sur les systèmes économiques...
HEC-Bocconi Double Degree - Bocconi University - Università …
The Data, Society and Organisations track is a double degree in the BSc in International Politics and Government offered in collaboration with HEC Paris. This new program uniquely merges social science critical thinking with problem solving and data analytical skills, featuring in-depth training in quantitative methods and data science.
HEC Montréal. Where opportunities are created
HEC Montréal is one of the global elite of business schools that hold all three prestigious accreditations: AMBA, AACSB International and EQUIS.
Overview - HEC Paris
One of the world's best business schools, HEC Paris is a leader in research and education in management sciences. We offer a unique portfolio of programs designed for a carefully selected student body. Explore the diversity and richness of our school and all it has to offer.
Master’s Degrees | Programs | HEC Montréal
Open to anyone holding an undergraduate degree in various fields, ranging from management to engineering, mathematics, computer science, psychology, sociology and many others. Over 300 professors from the world’s most prestigious universities. Advanced research, with highly reputed research chairs, groups and centres.