Non-stoichiometry effects in the XPS spectra of HfN films
Apr 1, 1987 · XPS spectra for HfN x films made by bias magnetron sputtering are reported over the range x from 0.64 to 1.11. They indicate that the valence band comprises a shoulder immediately below the Fermi level E F and a peak at some 6 eV below it for all compositions x, due to the Hf 5d and 2p bands respectively.
Electronic structure of cubic HfxTa1–xCy carbides from X-ray ...
Aug 25, 2008 · The results indicate that a strong hybridization of the Hf (Ta) 5d- and C 2p-like states is characteristic for the Hf x Ta 1−x C y carbides. It has been established that, substitution of hafnium atoms by tantalum atoms in the Hf x Ta 1−x C y system reveals increasing the half-width of the XES C Kα band.
XPS分峰拟合之自旋-轨道分裂(SOS) - 知乎专栏
xps可用于定性分析以及半定量分析,一般从 xps图谱 的峰位和峰形获得样品表面元素成分、化学态和分子结构等信息,从峰强可获得样品表面元素含量或浓度。
An XPS study of hafnium nitride films - ScienceDirect
Dec 1, 1985 · XPS spectra are presented from films of different stoichiometry: HfN 1.0 made by CVD and reactive sputtering and HfN 1.09 made by ion plating. They support the existing theoretical calculations where the valence band comprises a strong Hf 5d band immediately below E F and a band of mainly N 2p character some 6 eV below E F .
氮化铪薄膜的 XPS 研究,Solid State Communications - X-MOL
XPS 光谱来自不同化学计量的薄膜:HfN1.0 由 CVD 和反应溅射制成,HfN1.09 由离子电镀制成。它们支持现有的理论计算,其中价带包括紧邻 EF 的强 Hf 5d 带和主要为 N 2p 特征的带,低于 EF 约 6 eV。核心能级转移到更大的结合能约 1.5 eV,表明电子从铪转移到氮。
铪元素 | XPS元素周期表 | 赛默飞 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
Hafnium元素的电子配置和X射线光电子谱等详细信息,都是XPS元素参考表的一部分。 赛默飞科技提供全面的元素分析解决方案,帮助您准确理解元素性质和应用。
超级详解丨XPS原理、特点,定性、定量、深度剖析和角分辨电子 …
X 射线光电子能谱( X-ray photoecectron spectroscopy, XPS) 技术是一种通过一束入射到样品表面3~10nm 深度的光子束,检测材料表面信息的无损测量技术。XPS 技术能很好地使样品保持其原有的结构信息,可用于定性…
XPS结合能对照表 - 豆丁网
Nov 11, 2014 · 1.0 Hf 5d 5.0 Br 4p 11.0 Kr 4p 18.7 Ga 3d5 26.1 Lu 5p 36.0 Ce 5s 45.7 Ge loss 54.2 Se CdSe 68.5 Br 3d5. 1.0 In 5p 5.0 Ca 3d 11.0 Rn 6p 18.8 Ga 3d 26.8 Ta 2O5 36.0 Gd 5s 46.0 Re 5p1 54.5 Se GeSe 68.5 Br KBr ... 1999 XPS International, Inc. Handbook of The Elements and Native Oxides. BE Lookup Table for Signals …
xps电子结合能对照表 - 道客巴巴
Oct 11, 2020 · xps电子结合能对照表 星级 ... 68.0 Ra 5d 1.0 Ga 4p 5.0 B 2p 10.7 Cd 4d5 18.4 Sr 4p 26.0 Rn 6s 35.8 W O3 45.5 As Ntv Ox 54.0 Os 5p1 68.0 Tc 4s 1.0 1.0 Hf In 5d 5p 5.0 5.0 Br Ca 4p 3d 11.0 11.0 Kr Rn 4p 6p 18.7 18.8 Ga Ga 3d5 3d 26.1 Lu 26.8 Ta 5p 2O5 36.0 36.0 Ce Gd 5s 5s 45.7 Ge 46.0 Re loss 5p1 54.2 Se CdSe 54.5 Se GeSe 68.5 68.5 Br ...
Non-stoichiometry effects in the XPS spectra of HfN films
XPS spectra for HfN x films made by bias magnetron sputtering are reported over the range x from 0.64 to 1.11. They indicate that the valence band comprises a shoulder immediately below the Fermi level E F and a peak at some 6 eV below it for all compositions x, due to the Hf 5d and 2p bands respectively.
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