Airborne HF Communications - Collins Aerospace
Forces operating in satellite-limited and contested battlefield environments rely on advanced, secure, beyond-line-of-sight (BLoS) communications. That's why Collins Aerospace provides modernized, high-frequency (HF) communications systems that provide all the communications capabilities needed with very low day-to-day operating costs.
BLOS (beyond line of sight) waveforms - Rohde & Schwarz
The main purpose of beyond line of sight (BLOS) is to be able to have a long reach without the need for infrastructure. The main advantage of HF radiocommunications is the fact that the electromagnetic signals between 1.5 MHz and 30 MHz allow the use of reflection effects on the ionosphere to achieve extremely high ranges of thousands of ...
BLOS Communications | Beyond Line of Sight Radio & C2
2024年12月4日 · BLOS communications are essential for a wide range of military activities and operations. These include connecting in-theater forces with distant command centers, location and data sharing, C2 (command and control) of long-range UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), precision firing, and co-operation between airborne assets and ground troops.
HF communications | Rohde & Schwarz
HF systems can work in the long, beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) range, but without mesh networks or satellites. HF transmissions also have unique properties that make it difficult to determine their source.
Rockwell Collins’ modernized, high-frequency (HF) communications systems give military operators advanced, secure, Beyond Line of Sight (BLoS) communications capabilities with very low day-to-day operating costs and effectiveness in …
Waveforms for LOS/BLOS communications - Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz provides access to suitable tools for porting legacy and modern innovative waveforms. This gives the end user backward compatibility to existing waveforms and radio systems as well as investment security for future scenarios ("joint & combined").
RT-2200A Wideband HF Radio - Collins Aerospace
Collins Aerospace's RT-2200A wideband high-frequency (HF) radio provides modernized, beyond line of sight (BLoS) digital communications in ground fixed site, transportable shelter and maritime applications.
HF BLOS Systems | Elbit
The HF-8000 can transmit messages to individuals, groups, or all network members (selective calling). A range of proprietary tactical antenna solutions designed to overcome “skip zone” communications problems and provide continuous coverage from zero to thousands of kilometers.
Airborne, land-based or shipboard, our modernized HF is primed to become the global, beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) communications backbone for almost any military BLOS communications requirement, including:
ST5000-10000 HF BLOS | Leonardo - Electronics
HF BLOS High Power Transmitter Radios are secure ‘all-solid-state’ boosted communication systems for use in the Maritime domain, ashore or aboard vessel, in conjunction with HF Receiver/Exciter SP2295. They mainly support ship external communications by enabling effective and secure long range 5kW or 10kW radio links. Download brochure