What Are Hydrofluorocarbons? — EIA
HFC-free technologies are widely available for many HFC uses, and more are coming on-line every year so that most uses could be phased-out by 2030. Some of the currently available climate-friendly alternatives include hydrocarbons (such as R-600a and R-290), ammonia (R-717), water and carbon dioxide (CO2 or R-744).
HFC-Free Cooling Equipment Transition - UNFCCC
In January 2014, the Coca-Cola Company announced that it had installed its 1 millionth hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-free cooler using natural refrigerant in the marketplace, preventing the emission of 5.25 million metric tons of CO2 over 10 years. This milestone marks significant progress in the Company effort to phase out the use of HFC refrigerant ...
氢氟碳化物 - 百度百科
氢氟碳化物,是有助于避免破坏臭氧层的物质,常用来替代耗臭氧物质,如广泛用于冰箱、空调和绝缘泡沫生产的氯氟烃 (CFCs)。 氢氟碳化物 (HFCs)在导致气候变暖的各种因素中所起的作用会越来越大,需要引起人们的关注。 氢氟碳化物 hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs):饱和烃的氢原子仅被氟原子取代,而且没有完全被氟原子取代后生成的化合物。 [3] 2013年6月9日,环境署执行主任施泰纳发表声明,中美两国元首在加州会晤时宣布两国将开展合作,减少并逐步停止使用氢氟碳 …
Cool Off With No Regrets: How HFCs in Your Appliances Can …
Reducing the presence of HFCs comes from effective refrigerant management, involving lowering the demand and usage of related appliances, replacing refrigerants with non-HFC substances (or low-impact HFCs), controlling leakages, increasing refrigeration efficiency, and improving disposal and destruction of refrigerants at the end of a product ...
Find an HFC-free Fridge: A Buyers Guide — EIA - EIA.org
2020年6月24日 · We are compiling a list of climate-friendly fridges available in the United States, where super pollutant hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are still used widely despite the availability of HFC-free alternatives. HFC-free fridges use a refrigerant, R-600a or isobutane. R-600a has a very low global warming potential (GWP) of 3 compared with R-134a, the ...
HFC-free Technologies - EIA Global
What are the HFC-free Technologies? Widespread adoption of HFC-free technologies is cost-effective, energy efficient, and climate-friendly. Read EIA’s report Putting the Freeze on HFCs for hundreds of examples of HFC-free technologies available and in use today.
DuPont Introduces HFC-Free Spray Foam Insulation - Treehugger
2021年5月13日 · DuPont introduced a new version of its spray polyurethane foam insulation that is HFC-free. This is a big step for the climate and a big step in building.
Choose energy efficient, HFC-free appliances - EIA
Working hand-in-hand with the global HFC phase-down, greater energy efficiency in cooling systems can significantly increase the climate benefits of the Kigali Amendment – and you can play a big part in making that work.
HFC-free technologies exist in nearly the full spectrum of applications, such as: • Domestic Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning • Commercial Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning • Industrial production • Mobile Air-Conditioning • Insulation Foam Blowing And new HFC-free products are entering the market almost on a weekly basis. These
Energy efficiency in HFC-free supermarket refrigeration - EIA
2018年11月20日 · Shecco and ourselves have produced a new report giving a technical overview of available HFC-free energy efficient technology (including case studies) that supermarkets can deploy to bring us closer to achieving the Paris Agreement …