About HFT Life - Hung Fook Tong 鴻福堂網站
“HFT Life” is a brand-new café-inspired concept store introduced by Hung Fook Tong. It brings together Western and Chinese food cultures and adopts a simplistic design to accommodate the pursuit of modern urbanite towards healthy living.
關於HFT Life - 鴻福堂網站 Hung Fook Tong
鴻福堂全新 CAFE 概念店「 HFT Life」清新登場,室內設計以簡約文青風格為主,純白配搭柔和木系色調,讓人耳目一新。 HFT Life秉持推廣健康飲食的概念,提供中、西搭配的美食組合,引入本地品牌「嚐麥手作」麵包, 配以鴻福堂皇牌的無添加自家湯及飲品,細嚐 ...
HFT Life - Facebook
HFT Life. 123 likes. 融合中、西飲食概念,無添加自家湯x手工麵包,讓您在繁忙生活中,歇息一會充電一下! 香港堅道47A號地舖
HFT Life (@hftlife) • Instagram photos and videos
HFT Life同你慶祝呢個雙重時刻。 只要身穿黑/白色服飾⚫⚪,或出示熊貓🐼圖案的物品,即可享有全單8️⃣9️⃣ 折優惠! 優惠期有限,快啲買個麵包配咖啡,雙重享受一番喇!
為圓滿悠閒時光,HFT Life 更會陸續推出一系列本地烘焙咖啡,並率 先於4 月28 日起於九龍城分店有售 (詳情見附件二),預期六月於 跑馬地分店有售。HFT Life 特選100%阿拉比卡Arabica、本地新鮮 烘焙咖啡豆,讓您細嚐風味。顧客可選擇單點或惠顧自選套餐(HK$45)
HFT Life - hkstp.org
HFT Life is a cafe-inspired, brand new concept store by Hung Fook Tong. For the first time, integrating Western and Chinese food culture, HFT Life offers a fusion of products by popular local brand Handmade Bakery, our signature no-additive soup and locally roasted coffee.
全港首間鴻福堂全新CAFE 概念店「HFT Life」清新登場, 現已登陸半山堅道!室內設計以簡約文青風格為主,純白配 搭柔和木系色調,讓人耳目一新。 HFT Life Instagram:www.instagram.com/hftlife HFT Life 提供中、西搭配的美食組合,引入本地品牌「嚐 …
【HFT Life電子禮券2025】HFT Life|HKD50元電子現金券 - KKday
2025年1月13日 · 鴻福堂全新 CAFE 概念店「 HFT Life」清新登場,室內設計以簡約文青風格為主,純白配搭柔和木系色調,讓人耳目一新。 HFT Life秉持推廣健康飲食的概念,提供中、西搭配的美食組合,引入本地品牌「嚐麥手作」麵包, 配以鴻福堂皇牌的無添加自家湯及飲品,細嚐 ...
- 评论数: 2
"HFT Life" aims to bring together Chinese and western food cultures and adopts a simplistic design to accommodate the pursuits of modern urbanites toward healthy living. Apart from Hung Fook Tong's signature additive-free soups and healthy drinks, "HFT Life" will also serve the famous tea eggs and fish shaomai, as well as freshly baked products ...
关于HFT Life - Hung Fook Tong 鴻福堂網站
鸿福堂全新 CAFE 概念店「 HFT Life」清新登场,室内设计以简约文青风格为主,纯白配搭柔和木系色调,让人耳目一新。 HFT Life秉持推广健康饮食的概念,提供中、西搭配的美食组合,引入本地品牌「尝麦手作」面包, 配以鸿福堂皇牌的无添加自家汤及饮品,细尝 ...